Jesus (the risen Lord), Ronceverte peoples (ya'll know how ya are!), outdoors(fishing!!!), sports(baseball, ultimate frisbee, and just about any kind of sandlot)
you (that is if I dont know you already, and if that's the case, then chases are really good that I dont know you as well as I would like. But truth be told, that probably wont happen on myspace. So...whaddya say we remedy that?)
End of the Spear, Facing the Giants, Tears of the Sun, Narnia, Cars, Dumb and Dumber, Major Payne, Coach Carter, Lord of the Rings, Rambo I, II, and III, and more
Sports Center.....that's about it, I'm not much of a TV guy
Bible, and books by A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, Dr. Neil Anderson, John Elderidge, and Missionary Biographies (I love stories of people who gave all for their savior)
Jesus Christ and those who live(d) unashamed to serve Him.