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Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.
The World's Shortest Personality Test
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You Are 84% Happy
It's unlikely that you know anyone happier than you.
You know how to be happy, no matter what life throws at you.
How Happy Are You?
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What hard-rock band are you?
Led Zeppelin
Yes Led Zeppelin rocks you can't beat Led Zep, they're just the best ever. They inspired all the rock bands that came after them, what would we do without them? You are very insightful and think a lot, but you like to have fun and you don't care what anyone else thinks about you.
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You Are 26% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
How Evil Are You?
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You Are Grape
You are bold and a true individual. You are very different and very okay with that.
People know you as a straight shooter. You're very honest, even when the truth hurts.
You are also very grounded and practical. No one is going to sneak anything by you.
People enjoy your fresh approach to life. And it's this honesty that makes you a very innovative person.
What Color Purple Are You?
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Your Heart Is Blue
Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.
You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.
Your flirting style: Friendly
Your lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafe
Your dream lover: Is both generous and selfish
What you bring to relationships: Loyalty
What Color Heart Do You Have?
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You Are 90% Psychic
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!
Are You Psychic?
You Are 60% Brutally Honest
Honesty is important to you, but generally, you try not to be brutal about it.
You'll sugar coat the truth when you need to... and tell a white lie when necessary.
How Brutally Honest Are You?
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You Are Olive Green
You are the most real of all the green shades. You're always true to yourself.
For you, authenticity and honesty are very important... both in others and yourself.
You are grounded and secure. It takes a lot to shake you.
People see you as dependable, probably the most dependable person they know.
What Color Green Are You?
You Are 56% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.
How Open Minded Are You?
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Buried at
Your Eyes Should Be Brown
Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom
What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart
What Color Should Your Eyes Be?
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You Are Somewhat Logical
Ok, so didn't get the majority of questions right
But you did answer some pretty tough questions correctly
Logic may not be your strong point, but you hold your own!
How Logical Are You?
Your Brain's Pattern
Your brain is always looking for the connections in life.
You always amaze your friends by figuring out things first.
You're also good at connecting people - and often play match maker.
You see the world in fluid, flexible terms. Nothing is black or white.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?
What Your Underwear Says About You
You buy the sexiest underwear you kind find, and always have something hot on underneath your clothes.
You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.
The Underwear Oracle
Your Vocabulary Score: A-
Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!
You must be quite an erudite person.
How's Your Vocabulary?
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