...YeNg.... profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

This profile was created by the TheProfileStop.com Editor

i'm a certified pasaway,gimikera & boisterous !! MARIEL's my real name, but my friends call me YENG.. a typical type of girl of our generation..loves to have fun, chill out and live life to the fullest..life is too short, we may never know what will come our way on the next day, so better enjoy it while you can..sigh!! just like what I always crack, "Too many Boys, so LittLe time" hahaha! I love pigging out honestly esp to my all time fave BURGER KING, yum yum!! i'm a soda addict too...pag alcoholic naman, VODKA ICE i love seafoods as much as i love the beach,i'm a kitchen menace,has wide imagination.I usually play volleyball during my leisure time,looking forward to try extreme sports (paint ball,bungee jumping) i wanna travel around the world especially the bahamas,wow!!"O.C." pagdating sa tidy washroom..& yeah, i can kick an asshole's ass,im a taekwondo and aikido chick..;)

My Interests

Net sUrFing, Bar HoppinG, extReMe sPorTs, SpENDinG tiMe wiTh my boyfriend and our friends,i LOVE vodka ice, and being free!!!!

I'd like to meet:





actions moVies with sexy twists......


aLias,MTV newlyweds,MTV wild BoYz,SeX in the CiTy


mitCH aLbOm noVELs


Make Your Own Glitter Graphics

My Blog


TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE.1. have you ever been in love?> yes!!2. do you believe in love?> of course&3. why did your last relationship fail?> ewan ko dun abnormal sya!!..:namespace prefix = o ns...
Posted by ...YeNg.... on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 02:45:00 PST

i love you goodbye...

I love you GoodbyeWish I could be the one The one who could give you love The kind of love you really need Wish I could say to you That Ill always stay with you But baby thats not me You ne...
Posted by ...YeNg.... on Mon, 12 Sep 2005 11:20:00 PST

<<<Piano iN tHe DarK>>>

When i find myself watchin' the time I never think about all the funny things you said I feel like it's dead Where is it leading me now I turn around in the still of the room Knowin' this is when i'm ...
Posted by ...YeNg.... on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 12:26:00 PST

===aim for me now===

Can't Take That Away They can say anything they want to sayTry to bring me downBut I will not allowAnyone to succeedHanging clouds over meAnd they can try hard to make me feelThat I don't matter at ...
Posted by ...YeNg.... on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 02:33:00 PST