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About Me

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My Interests

My interests are pretty broad, but the things that occupy my attention most of time include medicine (more specifically perfusion, the field im going into), technology, and cars!! I personally prefer the notorious SUVs to a mid-sized sedan, but the BMWs have improved tremendously. Although a Lexus has style appeal, it contains a Toyota engine and is way overpriced (buy it used!). But enough about sedans, all hail the SUV, so what if their gas guzzlers, i have been a die-hard fan of Ford Expeditions (original model) since the fifth grade. Although american-made cars often fail us performance wise, the expedition is a classic example of power, style, and comfort, almost like being at home. With that V8 engine you can maneuver in and out of any situation quickly. Although i will eventually side with a Lincoln Navigator (a more expensive expedition), i hope to always own a Expedition with it's remarkable craftsmanship. SUVs have truly improved, and now that im just realizing how much i wrote about them, maybe i should design them myself!? Oh well, if you didn't figure it out, cars interests me mostly because there are the only (huge) investment that doesn't appreciate in value, so you might as well get something you enjoy! : D


I'd like to meet:

Name? Nicknames?: Joy (Joy to the World, Joy Bells, Joy of my life, happy happy Joy Joy, Smiley : D )
Birth date?: November 12th 1985
Do you have any siblings? Do you get along with them?: yes one loving brother and sister, absolutely!
What are you wearing right now?: Cheerleading shorts and tank
Who do you live with?: my Mother
Do you have any pets?: not right now
What's your favorite food?: Granny Smith Applesauce
Hey slacker, what's your G.P.A.?: 3.9
What's your major?: Pre-Med
Is your room messy or clean right now?: Clean
What's your favorite alcoholic drink?: i don't drink alcoholic
What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: Stawberry Lemonade
How do you feel about cigarette smoking?: Smoking and destroying your lungs is a choice. I have a asthma, and as long as people don't smoke around me im straight.
If you don't recognize the number on your caller ID, do you answer?: yes (small business purposes)
How many speeding tickets have you recieved?: none
What's your favorite clothing store?: Dillards
Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? What is it?: Dumbo : D
When was the last time you were on a diet?: right now
Once you're finished with school, what will your profession be?: Cardiovascular Perfusionist
What is a long term goal of yours? short term?: A long term goal for me is to start a perfusion medical program in the state of Georgia, a short term is to get my associates in ASL (sign language).
What is your favorite type of fast food?: Krystals (free wireless)
Have you ever truly been in love?: yes
Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: yes...worse thing ever
What kind of car do you drive?: 99 Ford Contour- I want a Expedition, eventually a Navigator.
Where did you go on your funnest vacation?: I was maybe 8 and we went to Disney World (my first time).
What's your favorite holiday?: Christmas
What is your favorite sport to watch? to play?: Cheerleading, Cheerleading
Where did/will you go for your 21st birthday?: Surprise Party (Fire Mountain)
Do you usually get ready for class or just wear sweats?: I get ready for class
Would you rather go to a club to dance or a sit-down bar?: Sit- Down Bar (if i drank)
How many car accidents have you been in? How many were your fault?: none,none
Have you ever tried chewing tobacco?: no
Who was the last person you spoke on the telephone with?: Hope
Do you chew on the straw?: sometimes
What are you listening to right now?: Come Close - Common
What star/celebrity do most people say you resemble?: i don't know, you tell me
When was the last time you recieved mail other than junk mail and bills?: yesterday
What brand of tennis shoes do you prefer?: i guess k-swiss ( perfer high heels)
What did you dress up as last Halloween?: no, i don't believe in Halloween
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: Usually Pantene, Motions, or Dark & Lovely, but right now im using Black Raspberry Vanilla from Bath and Body works.
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?: my mother
What do you have on your bedroom walls?: Authentic Japanese scrolls, "Crash" Movie Poster, Huge framed Picture Collage of family and friends, and i will soon have the "hidden Depths" poster of an iceburg in and out of water, It's beautiful.
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Was it good?: Departed: um.. it was okay, could have been better.
About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?: one
What are you biggest peeves?: know-it-alls, people who allow themselves to be exploited, and young and old ladies who degrade themselves.
Are your parents still together?: they were for 33 years but my dad passed away
What is your favorite color?: Flesh tones: tans, browns, neutrals
What sports did you play in high school?: Basketball, Cheerleading
Are you a lover or a fighter?: both
Do you read the Bible?: yes
Do you like to go camping?: no
I know you don't like books, so what is your favorite magazine?: Black Enterprise
Do you keep a journal?: when necessary
What's your favorite animal?: Cute Turtles
When is the last time you puked?: i don't remember
Have you ever broken any bones?: no
Can you drive a stick-shift car?: no
Who is your favorite actor/actress?: Aaliyah
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: no
What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?: Victoria Secrets
What cologne/perfume do you wear?: the Black Raspberry Vanilla line from Bath and Body Works
Wal-Mart or Target?: Wal-Mart
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or major crush? Who is it!?: ha...
What size bed do you have in your room?: Twin daybed
What food can you absolutely not stand to eat?: Seafood period.
Are you more like your mom or your dad?: Dad
Do you floss your teeth?: yes
Who is your BFF (best friend forever)?: Jesus
How long was your longest relationship?: about 3 years
Why did it end?: b/f come and go but friendship is forever so it really doesn't end if your friends first. Therefore, I will always love him, and that will never end.
Do you snore (don't lie!)? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?: yes to all
Are you outgoing, or do you keep to yourself most of the time?: i am selectively outgoing
Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?: yes
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: Come close- Common
When is the last time you worked out?: yesterday
Who is your favorite professional athlete?: i guess Serena Williams
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: Homemaker
Do you know how to sew?: yes
About how many pairs of jeans do you own?: i don't know
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?: short
Have you ever been to the stripclub?: no
What was the last shot you took? When was this?: TB test last year for college
What are your bad habits?: i hate folding clean clothes, Throwing everything in the trunk of the car, and leaving flat ions plugged in.
Have you ever been fired from a job?: no
What was the last live sporting event you attended?: i really don't remember
Do you consider yourself to be religious?: i consider myself to have a person relationship with Jesus Christ.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence?: several times
Did you ever wear braces?: no
Are you artistic/creative?: yes, very much so
What kind of mood are you in right now?: im content and at peace
What time is it?: 12:20pm
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lol- well, I like Brown Sugar, mostly for its interesting Hip-Hop undertones. Monty Python and the search for the Holy Grail is also a fav. The classics like Nemo, Cinderella, and Toy Story are also favs. I like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang with Truly Scumpous. I also enjoy movies that make you think- Lord of the Rings, Minority Report, Crash, and so on. But my favorite movie of all is DUMBO!
That is a story that i live by : D


1. 24If you start watching this show (especially from the beginning you will get hooked, so don't say nobody told you, when you start to turn off your cell phone at 9 pm on monday nights, or are start cancelling previous engagements to watch re-runs. But hey! if that does happen that would make two of us, and we can watch it together : D2. Law & Order: SVUMost of the Law & Orders are pretty good, but none of them hold a candle to SVU. This a great way to get your mind off the long day you just had, for an hour at least.3. Little House on the PrarieThis show takes me back to my childhood, and those life lessons that must be learned.4. Davey and GoliathThe title says it all...


I enjoy books from Walk Worthy Press such as "A lover like no other" by Stephaine Perry Moore. I like books about cars (rims and detailing), investing, and home decor. Pilgrims progress was great, and i enjoy watching several movie versions of it. I also enjoyed the "King's Daughter" by Diana Hagee. Not to big on books, usually don't have the time or patience, but i do find a pretty interested one now and then.


Jesus and his selfless sacrifices. Aaliyah for her music, and the way she carried herself in the music industry. My mother for her amazing strength. My wonderful friends, for their loyalty. My sister Ursula for her perseverance. My brother Gabe for his drive and determination to achieve and accomplish dreams and aspirations. My dad for his gift for giving. and Willie for always supporting me no matter what - love you : D