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Hakan Donmez

H-Project aka Hakan Donmez

About Me

Dogum günü 1 nisana tekabül eden hakan,küçük yaslardan beri müzikle içiçe büyümüstür.Bu dogrultuda lise yillarinda ritm kulagini gelistirmek için bir süre bateri egitimi almistir.Ayni zamanda Disco Rogue ve Phats&Small gibi dönemin house prodüktörlerinin plaklarini da toplamayida ihmal etmemestir.Ilk turntable tecrübelesini 2001 yilinda dj arkadasinin dogum günü partisinde yasiyan hakan, 2002-2004 yillari arasinda üniversite egitimi için gittigi Tekirdag da muzikal hayata ilk adimi atarak kendini gelistirme firsati bulmustur.
Ilk profesyonel tecrübesini 2006 yilinda tadan hakan, o dönemlerde h-project adi altinda hayata geçirdigi projede aralarinda Secret, Smood, Home, Yakuza Factory, El Hamra gibi mekanlarin da oldugu bir çok clubte performans sergileme firsati yakalamistir. Hazirladigi guest setler Ingiltere,Almanya,Kanada, Arjantin ve Hollanda gibi ülkelerin elektronik müzik radyolarinda yer alarak büyük begeni toplamistir.
Prodüksiyon çalismalarinada devam ederken remixes çalismalariyla bir cok djin playlistine girmeyi basarmistir. Minimal ve technonun derinlikleriylede bir ara yakindan ilgilenerek müzik portföyünü genisletme imkani bulmustur. Yaptigi müzigi kendi ensturumani olarak gördügü kulagindan yola çikarak hazirlayan, günümüz elektronik soundunu belirleyen house ve türevlerinin hakim oldugu yerine göre deep yerine göre tech esintilerden bir derleme olarak adlandirmakta.
Son olarak daha genis çevrelere muzigini ulastirmak amaciyla katildigi Miller Music Factory 2007 de finale kalarak Garaj Istanbulda sergiledigi performansla ikinci olma basarisini göstermistir.
Bu baglamda devam eden müzik süreci içersinde de Bogaziçi Üniversitesinin TheHall de düzenledigi Battle Of The DJ 2008 finaline kalarak 3. olmustur.
____________________________________________________________ ___________
Hakan, whose birthday is April 1,grow up within the music since his early ages. Through this purpose during his high school years he took drums practices in order to improve his rhythm sense. At the same time he collected the records of house producers like Disco Rogue ve Phats&Small. He experienced timetable at the birhtday party of his dj friend in 2001 for the first time and he got the chance to improve himself by entering the music environment in Tekirdag where he went to university between 2002-2004.
Hakan got his first proffessional experience in 2006 and at that times he developed his h-project and under this project he performed in many clubs like Secret, Smood, Home, Yakuza Factory, El Hamra. The guest sets he presented were appreciated by electronical music radios of different countries like Britain, Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Argentine.
He managed to take part in the playlists of many dj's while he was keeping on his producing works.And he got the chance to improve his musical wallet by being closely interested in minimal and techno music. He names his music a collection that is formed by dependingly deep and tech sounds and dominated by house music and it's derivatives that design today's electronical sound.
Finally,he participated in Miller Music Factory 2007 in order to reach broader environments and as he was selected for the final,he got to be the second with the performance he made at Garaj Istanbul.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/21/2006
Band Website: h-project.net
Sounds Like:

Hakan Donmez - Podcast 3

01 - Agent Matteo Feat. An - Soul The Ministers (Hakan Donmez Spoken Mix)
02 - District One - Handsome
03 - Christian Malloni - On Our Way
04 - Yogi and Husky - Bodies Movin (Random Soul Dubstumental)
05 - Quell - Baby Gaps
06 - Christian Malloni - Keep It Hot
07 - Replika - Loveletter
08 - Fanatix - There It Is
09 - Jon Silva - Aegean
10 - Pez - Illinois Incest (Tommy Largo Remix)
11 - Bobby Dambrosio Feat. Kelli Sae - Love Forever More Amen (B and B Prime Time Dub)
12 - Milton Jackson - Soundtron

Hakan Donmez - Podcasts 2

01 - Liquid Level - Im The Truth
02 - Ivan Martin a.k.a Fresco - City Night Fly
03 - Mlle Caro & Franck Garcia - Dead Souls (Radio Slave Long Distance Kiss Mix)
04 - Terry Lee Brown Junior - Everyday (The Timewriter Deep Session)
05 - From P60 - Go Forward
06 - Drei Farben House - Irregularity
07 - The Last Atlant - A Priori (Eelke Kleijn Remix)
08 - Gabriel Black - Bar Groove (Ivan-I & Jason Howell Dub Rework)
09 - Da Funk - Here I Am
10 - Oscar Barila- La Musique (Deep & Suga Meet Remix)


Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Less is more @ Hakan Dönmez (Konuk/Röportaj)

ReBorn: Müzikal geçmi_inizden bahsedermisiniz?HD: House muzikle ilk tani_mam 2000 y1l1n1n ba_lar1nda olsada o dönemleri aç1kças1 birikim ve olu_um dönemim olarak görmekteyim.Gecen bu süre içersinde bi...
Posted by Hakan Donmez on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:17:00 PST


01 - Foster - Quiet Before The Storm (Quarion Remix) [DRUMPOET COMUMUNITY]02 - Arnaud D feat. Mj White (Inturmental) [MUSIC PLAN TRACKS]03 - Ralf Gum feat. Diamondancer - All This Love For You (Rocco ...
Posted by Hakan Donmez on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 04:53:00 PST


01 - Budai and Vic - Set U Free [PLASTIC CITY]02 - Scope - Toronto (Sebastian Davidson Remix) [PLASTIC CITY]03 - Tuccilo  - Under The Swimming Pool [BIBBLE SOUL]04 - Subsky - Bela (Hakan Domnez D...
Posted by Hakan Donmez on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 02:54:00 PST