Devon Disaster explodes the stage with her anti-everything antics, raping the audience in a maniacally masturbational movement best described as de facto, electrash. Her unpredictability ensures the disintegration of status-quo and leaves her fans perversely pleading for more. Her style is Missing Persons meets Blondie and Too Short's bastard son in a blood-stained back alley for unsolicited fornication. Best known for her extensive collaboration with Shawn Foree of Digital Leather, and their love child The Cutters, Devon Disaster opens doors to a feeling one could only hope to ever be consumed by.
After her work on Digital Leather's highly anticipated "Sorcerer," mastered by Goner/Shattered Records label mate Jay Reatard, and two European tours under her belt she is now equipped with latex, lube, and a 10" vinyl with Red Lounge Records (Karlsruhe, Germany) featuring the title track, "Make Things Bleed," "So So Sad," and the pornographic pedantic that is "Little Girl." Devon Disaster hits Europe again, with an all-star line-up, in October 2008, and next year will be touring Mexico and Australia. Known for turning down American tours, one can only wonder if The United States will ever be able to comfortably digest her no-wave, forcefully filthy, disco-thrash sound that barely encompasses what is the whole of Ms. Disaster.
Adrienne Colombara
Imbecile Publishing
400/Black Vinyl - "GAY PINK" Cover!
ALSO AVAILABLE ON CD w/5 bonus tracks!
Myspace. com/redloungerecords
myspace. com/studioeins myspace. com/redloungerecords
OX MAGAZINE Oct Issue 2008-
Leather, Latex, songs. Driving Elektropunk (what one called in former times times EBM), angepeitscht from the hard Beats and undercooled Trashnoises of Shawn Foree (DIGITAL LEATHER). Devon Disaster delighted with a voice, which aims directly into the male border area. " Make Things Bleed" and " Little girl" have the potential to become correctly large and on S/M parties the Tanzflächen not only fill. With the postkoitalen Kuschellied " Weekend star" the plate ends. Actually. On the here available CD there are five TRACKs once again as " Original Recording Session". The 10" like always with Red Lounge Records in red Vinyl. (Matilda Gould)
ZILLO MAGAZINE Aüril Issue 2009-
Devon Disaster " Make Things Bleed" (Red Lounge records) which happens, if one beamt Deborah Harry of Blondie in their best times into a electroclashiges universe? Honestly said notion, but the result would not be allowed to do a certain similarity to the outstanding " Make Things Bleed" exhibit Disaster from Devon. Here a knackige Blondine meets with laszivem singing organ on retrohafte electronics, which comes along times carefully minimum with EBM charm, gladly in addition, punkige omittingness spreads or sounds to coldwavig merciless seductively. At some places a Fünkchen poppige a freedom of movement huscht by the twelve of song, in another place has one the feeling to hear points of contact with Anne Clark. Boundlessly magnificent is however the anschmiegsame " Weekend Star" , which would have actually already earned a place in the Charts with an urgent Refrain and a mad melody guidance. With all that Devon Disaster remain themselves throughout faithful, sound individual and alive. To the seven regular pieces of the disk is usually offered for sale bonus TRACKs are added on CD - the album on Vinyl - still five, which were inferred from original photograph sessions. Thus one has alternative versions to the selection, which sound even in parts more exciting, as the final versions. Great Electro Clash with Sex Appeal and Retro charm. (Sailer)