Justin Michael profile picture

Justin Michael


About Me

I probably dont like you. And I don't say that as some assertion of my would-be trendy sensibilities. I will be the first to tell you that I am not cool in the traditional sense at all...I just quite honestly have little patience for irritating or ignorant people.I also really hate myspace. I know this seems contradictory to read on my myspace page, but it's true. People take it way to seriously, and rely on it far too heavily as a social substitute.Recycled ideas, sure.

My Interests

I dabble in music, screen printing, and beating NES games.

I'd like to meet:

Real people. People who live with passion.


To keep it succinct, Ill mention some bands Im listening to at present....Husker Du, Faraquet, Medications, Ampere, Hot Cross, any Dischord band, almost anything from the masschusets punk scene including but not limited to Orchid, Fugazi, Sufjan Stevens, Braid, Paint it Black, Converge, Neil Young, Mineral, The Appleseed Cast, Texas is the Reason, Pedro the Lion, From Ashes Rise, Give Up the Ghost, Kings of Convenience, Cap n' Jazz...you get the idea.


Wes Anderson (Bottlerocket, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, The Life Aquatic)


I watch baseball.


Kerouac, Asimov, Fitzgerald,Ishmael, Our Band Could Be Your Life.


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