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Ashlee, Ashamalee, Ashie[face], Ashareee, ♥Hermoine, Sluzz, P Dizzle or Bingbong
My alter ego is the grandma from the Beverly Hillbillies
17 years of life. straight lover. I hate animal cruelty! It is murder!
I love my family it means everything – Mum, dad, sean, mick, kate. They are all amazing!♥
I’ve learnt that there are only a few people that matter.
The ones that don’t give up on me, when I do. I regularly let people down. Sorry in advance.
I’m immature, strange, indecisive, silly, confused, stubborn, giggly, self doubting & unusual.
I love deep and meaningful conversations with my friends & I love winter it means snuggles
M Dizzle, Danielmon, Harry, Ron, Slippy & Popeye are absolutely perfect. my rock. Love them ♥
I pretend to have a clue where my life is going, truthfully I have no idea
I dislike school to the point that I can’t wait to get out of there. Seniors 08 baby!
Grade 12 has made me realize that people will always let us down. Face the facts, its true.
I believe cold days with blankets are better than parties with randoms I don’t know
It is said that one person can not change the world, I will be the exception. You watch.
I refer to people as 'loverrr' or 'stupidface' even when i hardly know them
I bite my closest friend's shoulders to get their attention. They hate it, its a bad habbit:)
I beleive everybody is equal, nobody is better than anybody else because of their race or gender.
I love my dog. He is the only thing to ever make me smile when im sad.
I've learnt that whinging doesn't get you anywhere, just harden up and do it
I hate being stereotyped it's catty and pathetic. get to know me before you judge me
I love making new friends, add me :)