slowmotion profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Slowmotion is a Bangkok based design studio that believes in limitless creativity and having a good time. Our aim is to produce creative design and commercial art based upon ideas with an accessible artistic touch. The wider picture of Slowmotion includes a number of associate image makers - illustrators and photographers. Slowmotion specialises in graphic design curtailed for fashion and music industries.

Slowmotion are;
Nu Nimsomboon (Toh)
Parusit Rachjaibun (Gun)
Pongsuang Kunprasop (Note)
Non Palakul (Art)

T.02 249 6870 F. 02 249 7928 M. 089 130 5756

My Interests

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Add to My Profile | More VideosIntroducing Non, the Neon Boy, our latest addition of talent. Below is some of his work.
We are all animal

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Bands that we have worked with: Petch Osathanugrah, Moderndog, Flure, Z-Mix, Joey Boy, Yokee Playboy, Garncore Club, Peacemaker, Skalaxy, Pry, Siam Secret Service, Hoy, Black Sheep, Crescendo, Apartmentkhunpa, Saliva Bastards etc...


Syndrome and a Century, last Life in the Universe


I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4