Bakes profile picture


Ha Ha thats funny Gary...

About Me

i am a 22 yo from geelong currently studying final year marketing/management at ballarat uni. Bit slow to start with the whole space thing... now hooked as! i thouroughly enjoy a cold a matter of fact i could be endulging myself right now! i can frequently be found out in ballarat during the week nights, and mostly im burning up the geelong discos on the weekends. i play footy for the best GFL side in the comp, thats right im a rooster!! Hopin for big things this year so get on board!! when i grow up i want to be a something professional that demands respect, and if u bypass buningyong with out stopping into the bake house......... your just not australian!!! ( 4 u beats!)Barry Dawson's calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Barry Dawson.Barry Dawson can speak Braille.When Barry Dawson exercises, the machine gets stronger.Barry Dawson doesn't use pickup lines, he simply says, "Now."Barry Dawson can kill two stones with one bird.Barry Dawson can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.Barry Dawson once ate three 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having s*x with his waitress.Barry Dawson is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on a true story: Barry Dawson once swallowed a turtle whole, and when he cr@pped it out, the turtle was six feet tall and had learned karate.Barry Dawson once challenged LanceArmstrong in a "Who has more t*sticles?" contest. Barry Dawson won by 5.Barry Dawson once ate a whole cake before his friends could tell him there was a stripper in it.When Barry Dawson has s*x with a man, it won't be because he is g@y. It will be because he has run out of women.For some, the left t*sticle is larger than the right one. For Barry Dawson, each t*sticle is larger than the other one.Barry Dawson ordered a Big Mac at Red Rooster, and got one.It takes Barry Dawson 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.Barry Dawson doesn't believe in New Zealand.Barry Dawson can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.Barry Dawson ! recently had the idea to sell his u*ine as a canned beverage. We know this beverage as Red Bull.In a recent survey it was discovered the 94% of Australian women lost their virginity to Barry Dawson. The other 6% were incredibly fat or ugly.Barry Dawson invented the internet... just so he had a place to store his p*rn.One day Barry Dawson walked down the street with a massive er*ction. There were no survivors.When Barry Dawson plays Monopoly, it affects the actual world economy.Barry Dawson qualified with a top speed of 324 mph at the Daytona 500, without a car.Nathan Bracken is allowed to live because Barry Dawson doesn't kill women.

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Get to Know ME! by stinkabelle69
Nickname?: Bakes
Siblings?: 2 older sisters
Are your parents still married?: yes they r
Where did you grow up?: in a house in grovey
Whats your favorite color?: bluey purple
Where is your favorite place to be?: melba's!
Whats your favorite food?: the new maccas burger
Do You...?
Like ur job?: its new so yep
Live in a house or apartment?: house
Eat breakfast?: if i wake after 10am = yes
Get along with my family?: completely
Talk to yourself?: always
Think aliens exist?: no
Collect anything?: dont think so
Watch reality TV?: you cant help it at times
Either or...
Chocolate or Vanilla?: choc
Hugs or Kisses?: hugs
Beach or Mountain?: beach
Love or Money?: love with money
Beer or Rum?: Beer!!
Dots or stripes?: Stripes
Salty or sweet?: salty
Inside or out?: in
Random Questions
Do you believe in yourself?: yes
What's your greatest fear?: growing old alone
Who's your best friend?: Dall
Who's your best guy friend?: Are u still male dallas?
Who's your weirdest friend?: Tyson Stott
Would you date anyone in your top frends?: yep
What couldn't you live without?: family
What's your favorite fruit?: passionfruit
Are you comfortable with the way that you look?: could b worse..
Whats the most important thing in your life?: no regrets
Whats the most fun that you've had lately?: Footy ball b4 i passed out
What's something that you really want?: success
What's something that you have too much of?: Money
Do you have a crush on someone?: yea
Do they know?: yea....
What were you doing last night at midnight?: wet dream...
Who was the last person you spent time with?: jode
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Allen Fisher - 2007 Arnold Arm Wrestling Classic

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What type of partier are you? Your Result: Bar Social Butterfly

Not quite as bad as the 'bar slut', you like to get a bit ripped and become everyone's new best freind. You talk to everyone and anyone, keep people laughing, and with enough liquor you become the professional comedian. You get into deep-thought topics with fellow drunks, get people crying on your shoulder when they vent to you, and end up with hundreds of phone numbers of people that you simply can't recall in your cell-phone all the time.

Bar Slut
The rock-star party animal
The Socialite
Hardcore drunk
The Lurker
The designated driver
What type of partier are you?
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My Interests

yea i think im interesting!

I'd like to meet:

WHO ID LIKE TO MEET: Allen Fisher - 25 time world arm wrestling champion!Ben Cousins... dominates in the best of both worlds! Gun footballer, and does not mind a dabble in some other stuff... Get well soon ben!


havent recorded much myself, but some of that shit they play on the radio aint too bad!


ladder 49 made me cry - fav movie!


got one


Herald Sun?


Shane crawford, Ben Cousins!!! ...maybe Azza