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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

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Vote for me to be a 2010 face of e.l.f. cosmetics. You can vote once a day every day until Dec 31, 2009. Link here & to the left!
SEP09 ~La Shon

So if you haven't noticed, I don't come round this way much anymore. You know how it goes, something new comes along and the old gets left behind. It was funny here on MySpace, but alas, I've moved on. To keep up with me, check my Official Site . I'm still making layouts if you need one, just drop a line.
27AUG09 ~ La Shon
Obama Gear is HERE!
You know it never fails, I get this all done and then myspace goes and messes up my links!!!!

Nearly 2 years ago, the look of this page was The Tribute on Parchment. I put my world into that layout and titled it accordingly. Didn't think I'd ever change it but after one year, I was ready but unwilling. With the passing of my birthday, I had to turn the page.
And so 30 years ago, Oct 1st, a Moon Child was born.
Welcome to my space. Do you all REALLY want all that stuff I had on my last set-up? LOL I play sports, I listen to a wide range of music, I'm artistic (obviously), I'm a model, I'm a photographer, I'm a mom , I live! The artist in my comes from my family, creativity runs deep. Been to college & wondering if I'll ever graduate. Guess you can say I'm just another citizen trying to make it in blood, pride & ewww.
Among my top recording folks are the usual R&B names going back to the do-wop days. Eric Benet is my fav of all. Prince rolls in 2nd (yeah never thought I'd say that too), never really did hav a 3rd, but I'd say Van Hunt could be that contender. Fusion of rock and R&B has to be something I enjoy a lot. Strings and acoustic guitar with a piano can melt my heart.
Proud to say I've been Locked & Lovely for 5 strong years. Twas no easy transiiton to shed some social shackles from my mind. Time has proven that this was best for me and I've been compelled to usher my son on such a path as well.
Lemmie get to the shimmy of the shimmy. I LOVE DESIGN! I sketched, drew, colored, created till high school. Got heavy into writing and dropped the pencil and by the time I hit college, I grabbed a mouse which brought me to DIGITAL GRAPHIC DESIGN. From business cards, flyers, even media for print, all the way to image restoration, image inhancement, I've learned a lot since 1996. This included Web Design with basic HTML coding. This industry is always growing (MySpace is a PRIME example) and I've done alright. Now if I could just teach myself Flash again, I'd be UNSTOPABBLE!
As always, new layout, never got the verbage complete. Between parenting, freelance work, sports, & breathing, I'll add more here. Check back for updates.
Thanks a lot for stopping by.
Pardon me while I pat myself on the back, I made it to 30 years young .

November 2008

So now the little one, well he's really not so little anymore. He's stretching up like a bean pole, absorbing everything withing sight & earshot. He likes soccer and is now traveling more than I am. Lets hope the flight hopping bug sticks when he gets older. Its always good to travel.
Oh yeah, some kid calls me mom. You know it was a happy birthday for me 10 days before my day 10 years ago, as he was born. Proudly named Tristian Armond , I nick-named him Tigger . Not realizing during my pregnancy of what the future would hold, I happened to give him the perfect name. Tristian is French & German for solider & warrier. I assure you when I say that my little trooper. There were bad times to balance the good and my man (yes, my son) has been there with me, giving me a hug when I thought I was hiding pain from him. Never doubt children, these young beings are far more intelligent than we give them credit for. It continues to be an experience growing with him as I learn from him and vice versa. Dang he's already 10?!?!! I'm gonna blink and he'll be a teen. Oy vey!
Between day care and home, he could navigate around a computer by the age of 4. The boy is terribly bright for his age, which makes me nervous knowing what I did as a child. *smile* He is quite the solar planetary enthusiast. I think he knows more facts about the planets than an astronaut! Oh and don't get him started on wee. And much like your typical kid of the 21st Century, he loves video games. Now don't get me to lying about which ones, thats his world.

My Interests

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My Blog


So here's the thing, I need your votes once a day EVERYDAY till the end of this year...So if you could just click that pic, cast that vote, pass that info on and keep voting, I'd be most appreciative....
Posted by on Wed, 16 Sep 2009 13:34:00 GMT

Check out this event: THIRTY-FUN Birthday Bash!

Hosted By:~Beautiful Indeed~When:Friday, October 02, 2009Where:Studio Chi2215 S. Union Ave.Chicago60616Description:This year I am not trying I AM having my cake & eating it too! Kick it with me as I c...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:44:00 GMT


I'm still doing my thing friends. Touch up work and such. Among recent is the movie poster for Lawrence L Wallace's "If You Love Me" As soon as I have info on where to check that out, I'll share.I kno...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 12:14:00 GMT

Another Mother To Me (Feb 6th)

This Saturday, I'll formally pay my respects to one of the kindestsouls I've ever met.She met me, a kid wet behind the ears, fool in lovewith her son. I was welcomed with open arms, and it never chan...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Feb 2009 21:34:00 GMT

Who Is It?

The other day I awakened from being startled. Seems somebody thought so much of me, I felt them banging on my mental doorway in my sleep.But I had no clue who it could be. So I called my like-minded f...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 13:49:00 GMT

Back Down Memory Lane

Looks around this blog. WOW I joined this site in 2005 and hardly used THIS thing?So recently I changed the layout...surprised to see that 561 people have viewed my blog (which couldn't have been easy...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 07:09:00 GMT

Snow Day

Last night I went out drinking with the co-workers again.  It was only supposed to be one drink, but then there was 2 and then 3 and when I FIANLLY said, "Lets roll," cause I was driving, I walk ...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 00:25:00 GMT

Getting To Know Me

1. What time is it? 9:27 pm2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: (you so don't get this answer HA!)3. Nickname(s): Shon, Baby Girl, Fuzzy Head (by Tigger of course)4. Piercing: yes ears5. What i...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 21:13:00 GMT

Hey Y'all!

I've rubbed my nose so much since I got sick, it hurts!  Somebody get me a box of that tissue with the lotion! I should be sleep, but since I'm home, and somewhat relaxed, I'm getting in a little...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 20:47:00 GMT

Happy Valenine's Day

I hear Andre 3000 in my mind as I type this one; Fuck that valentine....And yet I got a invite for dinner yesterday from a special somebody I love which I accepted. This morning I got a long stem red ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Feb 2006 10:10:00 GMT