Update!!! Scott, Shino and the kids came to stay at my house for the month of July. We enjoyed time on Cape Cod with them and really had a blast. I finally met Ayano and truly know what it is like to be a Nana. Matt and Mike are so big now. I got to bathe them all and watch tv with them and tuck them into bed. We got to build sand castles, and feed the ducks, go in the boat, ride horses, and hug em and hold em. I melted when they called me Nana. Dave enjoyed them too and makes a great Grampy. He took them tubing and snorkling for cray fish. My grandkids are adorable, intellegent and mischievous. Scott looks great and though he has an obstacle to overcome right now. He is strong enough to face anything with the aid of Shino the love of his life. I envy their youth, their love and their patience.
Thanks, for making my dream come true!!!I would still love to meet with face to face my [email protected] friends. Through the war we have supported each other with tears of joy, and fear and grief. I have had my boys survive 4 deployments since the war in Iraq started and I don't think I could have done it without my friends.
For celebrities, I have always wanted to meet journalists Charlie Gibson, Robin Roberts and Dianne Sawyer. I think they give a fair and truthful impression on life and what is happening everywhere. I consider them my close friends having had coffee with them for years. Someday I hope to meet all of the people I speak of here... near and far anything is possible.