Finding Zenergy in Chaos profile picture

Finding Zenergy in Chaos

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( true nature was a flawless, multifaceted jewel, hanging in the soft velvet darkness of space. The jewel was incomparably lovely, and it was the most essential thing about me, at the core of my being. But it was soiled. The jewel was somewhat stained and dusty. These dust marks were the normal faults and foibles that I, as a normal human being, had had. But for some reason - perhaps due to some quirk of my conditioning - I could not accept these faults. I desperately wanted to be pure and flawless, and I was not. I was ashamed of my faults. I felt like I couldn't live with them. The most sensible thing to do, of course, would have been to get rid of them. But I realize now that I was so ashamed of having faults that I tried to deny to myself that they were there. And if they weren't there, then how could I work to get rid of them? My alternative strategy - the one that got me into my own private hell - was to try to "mask" these faults with my persona. I tried to pretend that I had no faults. I tried to convince myself that I knew everything. I tried to rationalize away my anger. I tried to convince myself and others that I was a serious seeker after truth. And that was the biggest irony of all, because the truth was something I did not want to face. In the vision that I saw, I realized that what I had been doing was trying to hide the dirt on the jewel by applying cosmetics. And what I had created was a ludicrous dirtball. I had been getting further and further from my own true nature by pretending to be someone I was not. It became obvious to me then, that what I had to do was reverse the process that I had put so much energy into. I had to stop trying to whitewash my own imperfections, but instead strip them away to reveal the inherent purity that was there. That is the task that I have been engaged in, falteringly, in the years since then: polishing the jewel of my own being to allow its natural radiance and beauty to shine through. And it is no false modesty to say that there is a long way to go before all the grime is gone."To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life."~ Robert Louis Stevenson © Reproductions Permitted

My Interests

I LOVE my Poi but honestly my new passion is contact staff.. Videos soon.. IT is sooooo Dope!!!

We are not what we know. We are what we are willing to learn." -- Council on Ideas

The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them.~ Antoine de Saint Exupery

I'd like to meet:

Real people, down to earth, HONEST, non-manipulating.. Open minded, down to talk about spiritual stuff, inter dimentional stuff, religious stuff,(wanna know the way of the universe?), or just people I can poke fun at all night while we all laugh, and who would be willing to poke fun at me in return!!

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”-Walter Winchell

"It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others."-- Sydney J. Harris


Music that makes you feel something..

My Love spins one of my favorites--- Jungle & Dnb, but I love Breaks, Electro House, Breaks House, Glitchy tweaked out music.. LOVE "Bass Nectar"!! all kinds of differnt music, from top 40 (well some of it) to Tribal drumming to Celtic singing to metal, and recently added to my likes, Christian music by way of an amazing band called "Flyleaf" I am hoping soon to get over my fear of singing so that I can start producing my own songs, involving stories of loss, gain, triumph, and failure, but mostly inspirational make you feel good music that makes you think about world today we are living in. What should be different what is great, social, global and universal awareness is the key.


If you want to change your life for the better and need a little help I recommend these movies to every single person alive!!
The way of the peaceful warrior
---"What the bleep do we know?""The Secret"------
5 people you meet in heaven
Dude and the movies "MirrorMask" and "A Scanner Darkly" is so sick!!


Avatar, Invader Zim, cartoons.. always cartoons and Anime, family guy, adult swim... Inu Yasha, Chobits, Ai Yori Aoshi, Bleach, Ah my Goddess, HEHEHE La Blue Girl... ;) Everything by Hayao Miyazaki.


So many... But "the celestine prophacy" and it's sequels really helped me put things into a greater perspective. Anything by OSHO, and Eckart Tolle has alot of great things to say as well.. I think go to a bookstore, used books where it is kinda messy, and FEEL where to find the book that will help you the greatest at this time of your life, trust it and follow it.


"When you refuse to venture in thought beyond the bounds of social consciousness, portions of your brain are literally closed to higher frequencies of thought. You know, it is very simple to be a genius. All you have to do is think for yourself." -Ramtha

SIMPLE TRUTHWhen you know that EVERY truth you seek is available within you, you will not place someone else's idea of how you should live, above your own

My Blog

If only I had...

......Confidence.....Each day I grow as a person fullfilling one goal after another. Gaining wealth, health, beauty, Spiritual growth,  a closer relationship to God and the Universe, Wisdom, and...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

some more words I would like to put to song

Working on getting over my fear of singing. So that one day I might put these words to a nice techno beat and spread my messages to all. please send me healing energy to do so. You will be pleased at ...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:28:00 PST


I wonder how you see your life through your eyes. You have this veil that only you can see through. Looking in things are so different. But I guess that is how it is with everyone. I see my life throu...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:07:00 PST


Taken from the website, although I did not write this I think it really says what BM is about.. Burning Man is not just a party in the desert.  It is a community, a family & and a sacred, absurd...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:48:00 PST


Hello Hello Hello. I am in a writing mood so enjoy (or hope you enjoyd) the last 2 blogs I wrote some nifty peotry/song stuff. I found a new fav band and believe it or not they are a christian band wh...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 04:59:00 PST


Guide us through this darkest day help us find what was once lostLet our spirits once more be lifedThey have taken everythingour Souls barely intact our Minds believing anythingI know who we are and I...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 04:30:00 PST


As the months go by I see frowns, they turn upside downI see once hateful people with love and patience in  thier eyes.The time is upon us more and more we see through the lies,We are breaking th...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 04:26:00 PST

Ready to go home, but leaving with some insight

I am ready to come home, I miss my husband, my pooch and my kitties, I miss my jobs, who wouldv'e guessed. But the trip was neccessary for me to learn as much about my family as I have over the last 3...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:56:00 PST

I miss my husband!!

I miss my Jeffy... My squ33 love.... He is so wonderful to me and I miss his strength through everything he has been through.. It is so cool to see him bonding with his brother again... I miss our fam...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 06:59:00 PST


Everyday since I got here, well actaully since I have been staying with my parents, my back has hurt so badly that it literally takes 30 mins just to get out of bed and then hurts for a few hours befo...
Posted by Finding Zenergy in Chaos on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 06:32:00 PST