Spicka profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Child of the kindly West, I have come to know, if more of us valued your ways - food and cheer above hoarded gold - it would be a merrier world
Things I Like
Most of all I love to sit on my back porch in the evenings in my rocking chair. Sometimes I read, sometimes I smoke a cigar, sometimes I drink scotch or port, and sometimes I do nothing but rock and think...but that is what I love to do mostest.
| Symphonic metal, especially the Viking variety | The wild trackless places of the world: the more trees, valleys, and rivers the better; preferably with a lot of deep forests, hidden waterfalls, and cold pools - especially if a small campfire is necessary | Cowboy Bebop and Ranma 1/2 | The summer sun on green leaves | The intangibles of fall: smell of wet leaves, woodsmoke, that crisp air, the storms, the wind in the trees | Girls: and I like mine with more than looks; I'll take cute with personality and intelligence over vacuously hot. Especially one I can (god forbid) talk too because in the end thats what counts. Looks fade. | Sushi - never forget that Something's Fishy...Thai food is good too, will miss that Bangkok Palace | Reading and learning new things | My nieces' laughter | Astronomy | EGL | PSX / GC: FF; RPG / Strategy...Metroids! | Carrots, especially the centers ... the sweet center that you can strip the rough outer portion from. I snack on carrots. And frozen blueberries | Mochi ice cream: green tea and strawberry | Scotch, single malt only. Lagavulin, Laphroaig, Balvenie, Highand Park, Glenmorangie, | Cigars: Sancho Panza, L'aroma de Cuba... | Pan aux chocolate, Canche aux Mercier, Milley la Foret, the bouldering life in Fontainebleau | A day out at Stanage followed by ham sandwiches at Grindleford Station, the dungeon shitter at Stoney Middleton, leaving Millstone behind, Burbage and Froggatt - spending late nights watching Hard Grit and Pilgrimage! | Cats ... they're self-sufficient and "I like chicken, I like liver..." Besides, when I get old and and stuff what else is going to want to sit on my lap and keep it warm, eh? | Zodo's Bowling with my friends | CORSETS...well fitted, not rib crunching corsets .. especially royal blues, reds, and blacks ... but PURPLES are my favourite | Goth stuff...but not that wierd dress up crap, or the 'I'm a vampyre' melancholy crap. Think Collide and think the opening sequence to Koudelka and add in a splash of Kate Beckinsale
You scored as Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is an archaeologist/adventurer with an unquenchable love for danger and excitement. He travels the globe in search of historical relics. He loves travel, excitement, and a good archaeological discovery. He hates Nazis and snakes, perhaps to the same degree. He always brings along his trusty whip and fedora. He's tough, cool, and dedicated. He relies on both brains and brawn to get him out of trouble and into it.
Indiana Jones


Lara Croft


Captain Jack Sparrow




James Bond, Agent 007


Neo, the "One"


William Wallace


Batman, the Dark Knight


The Amazing Spider-Man


The Terminator


El Zorro

Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

Things I hate: | Clutter. Clutter annoys the sh*t out of me. | People who cannot drive - it's a passing lane, its for passing people who are going slower than you. It isn't a 'fast'lane where if you think you're going fast enough than you have the right to hold up traffic Dumb Sh*t, and no ... 40 MPH is not the correct speed on an on ramp to a 65 MPH highway. | People who don't take responsability for themselves or their actions, the lazy, and the inconsiderate. People who need loud music or a tricked out car to feel like they are worth something (seriously, if you have to attract people that way and who you are isn't cutting it ... you need to check your priorities). I like music - but not EVERYONE on the street needs to hear it too. I like cars, but it isn't me. It may be a sweet machine, but inthe end - its just a machine. | Bad fashion. Girls in short skirts and Ug boots (who told you that you look good?!); girl posses who all look the same, guys with polo shirt collars up, and the return of the 80's. | Girls who let their rolls hang out or flop over their jeans. Look, so you're not Kate Moss - that's fine. Guys like girls with a little bit of meat - fit is fine. Stop wearing shirts that show off a belly or wear pants that are too tight so you get 'the rim'. Go up another size. Its OK! | Stupid people and products, like Ionic Breeze. $180 buys you a machine that does the same thing as planting a tree except you have to cleanit and it creates more garbage. Idiot! Plant a f*n tree!
Fav thought of the moment
Of all the nonsense that twists the world, the concept of 'altruism' is the worst. People do what they want to, every time. If it pains them, to make a choice- if the 'choice' looks like a 'sacrifice' -- you can be sure that it is no nobler than the discomfort caused by greediness... the necessity of having to decide between two things you want when you can't have both. The ordinary bloke suffers every time he chooses between spending a buck on beer or tucking it away for his kids, between getting up to go to work and losing his job. But he always chooses that which hurts least or pleasures most. The scoundrel and the saint make the same choices.... -Jubal, Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein
Yay! Lust! This is SO true... Girls are so amazing in form. And they're always so soft...big eyes, long hair ... skirts... seriously, how can one NOT lust after women?! "Do a little dance...make a little love.. get down tonight!"
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Moderate
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Low
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
No..really! See, thanks to Bobbi there is even MORE proof
Greed: High  
Gluttony: High  
Wrath: Low  
Sloth: Medium  
Envy: Low  
Lust: Very High  
Pride: Medium  
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on 4degreez.com
Second fav thought of the day
An artist can look at a pretty girl and see the old woman she will become. A better artist can look at an old woman and see the pretty girl she used to be. A GREAT artist can look at an old woman, portray her exactly as she is, and force the viewer to see the pretty girl she used to be, more than that, he can make anyone with the sensitivity of an armadillo see that this lovely young girl is still alive, prisoned inside her ruined body. He can make you feel the quiet endless tragedy that there was never a girl born who ever grew older that eighteen in her heart. Stranger in a Strange Land
Your dating personality profile:
Intellectual - You consider your mind amongst your assets. Learning is not a chore but a constant search after wisdom and knowledge. You value education and rationality.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Wealthy/Ambitious - You know what your goals are and you pursue them vigourously. Achieving success is important to you. Your date match profile:
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Intellectual - You seek out intelligence. Idle chit-chat is not what you are after. You prefer your date who can stimulate your mind.
Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things.
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Intellectual
2. Big-Hearted
3. Wealthy/Ambitious
4. Adventurous
5. Athletic
6. Liberal
7. Practical
8. Shy
9. Romantic
10. Stylish
Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Practical
2. Intellectual
3. Adventurous
4. Conservative
5. Big-Hearted
6. Athletic
7. Shy
8. Wealthy/Ambitious
9. Sensual
10. Romantic

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
One More For the Road
"I wouldn't call it fascism exactly, but a political system nominally controlled by an irresponsible, dumbed down electorate who are manipulated by dishonest, cynical, controlled mass media that dispense the propaganda of a corrupt political establishment can hardly be described as democracy either." Edward Zehr

You are the Hanged Man

Self-sacrifice, Sacrifice, Devotion, Bound.

With the Hanged man there is often a sense of fatalism, waiting for something to happen. Or a fear of loss from a situation, rather than gain.

The Hanged Man is perhaps the most fascinating card in the deck. It reflects the story of Odin who offered himself as a sacrifice in order to gain knowledge. Hanging from the world tree, wounded by a spear, given no bread or mead, he hung for nine days. On the last day, he saw on the ground runes that had fallen from the tree, understood their meaning, and, coming down, scooped them up for his own. All knowledge is to be found in these runes.

The Hanged Man, in similar fashion, is a card about suspension, not life or death. It signifies selflessness, sacrifice and prophecy. You make yourself vulnerable and in doing so, gain illumination. You see the world differently, with almost mystical insights.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bono (well ... all of U2), Lindsey Lohan, Katsuhiro Otomo, Steve McCurry, Christina Aguilera, Jackie Chan, Lacey Chabert, Chow Yun Fat, Alyssa Milano, Peter Jackson, Robin Williams, Stephen Hawking, Kosuki Fujishima, Macduff Everton, and of course anyone who seems genuinely cool, is creative, or has something intelligent to say. Like they say, hang out with the people you want to be most like (or in Laceys case, who you want to take home) and I want to have my life full of creative people who do stuff...not drama queens or frat kids. What can I say...I've just never found any adventures worth having at the mall or at the bottom of a keg. Trust me, I've looked long and hard at the bottom of that keg... over it!

Your Personality Is
Rational (NT)

You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

My Blog

Wedding Singler Pt 1

SO I left for TX on Thursday afternoon. Got up early and went to work, and then went to class, and then went back to work to finalize things. Then ran to the house and packed and went back to work to ...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:24:00 GMT

Sterling Ren Festival

So right after breakfast my dad asks me if I wanna go to the Sterling Rennaisance Festival and I'm like "hell yeah" so we got changed and drove the two hours to Sterling. I should premise this with th...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 18:05:00 GMT

My Anti Big Box Campaign Pt II

Marketplaces have been the driving force behind economic, and thereby, civic growth for centuries; empires such as the Phoenicians, and towns like ancient Palmyra are a testament to how one can rise t...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 09:46:00 GMT

My House was Flooded

But oddly enough not by the uncharateristically high waters due to the last few rains. It appears as a broken pipe of some sort is the culprit. I suppose I should be thankful that my losses are n...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 08:44:00 GMT

Fuck Student Loans

I have never been so frustrated in all of my life.   On July 1st the interest rates for student loans explode an extra 1.83%. With over $100,000 given to my soulless institution I have to take ad...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 22:21:00 GMT

The Most Terrible Question

I am a man in love with the sea. I stand on shore and watch it move from afar, wishing and wanting it, knowing at one and the same time that I have to throw myself in, but fearing the terrible drownin...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 16:10:00 GMT


To do a little backtracking...   I woke up the first morning pretty early and read for maybe a half an hour before Jim got up and we decided (since it as his day off) to wander into the park. Sho...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:54:00 GMT


  When I woke up my door was open, apparently it had opened in the night. Perhaps something came into my room, a BFG of sorts, as I had interesting and pleasant dreams for once last night. I used...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:52:00 GMT

Neb 1

  As I drove away this morning it occurred to me what was wrong. What had been wrong the entire trip, what had me frustrated and what had me stymied. I was driving out on the 34 toward the 76 to ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 19:51:00 GMT


Oh God!   I have all my updates on my laptop but no way to connect. I will when I can ... in the meanitme ...lets hope the squirrels don't take me away. Guess what I'm having for dinner tonight?...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 08:43:00 GMT