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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Alleged love child of world renown Go-Go/Flashdancer Jean-Ann Tonique and Mexico's own international ladies man Juan Moretyme, Rafael was born with rhythm running through his veins and an insatiable appetite for the opposite sex. He spent his childhood on the set of 1980's Spanish soap opera Una Noche and most of his teenage years as an understudy for the part of Dr. Dick Gosinya in the off broadway production of "Night Nurses." Rafael left home at age 16 and joined a traveling troop of artist, acrobats and dancers simply known as "IT." It toured the country and most of Europe gaining a large hardcore fan following. As the youngest and most flexible performer in the troop Rafael gained notable European press and at age 17 married into Spanish royalty... Unfortunately six pitchers of sangria, fourteen mimosas, a razor and a deadly dance off tore apart his marriage and he was forced to flee the continent. His love for strippers and traffic brought Rafael to Los Angeles were he is currently devoting his energy to personal affairs and preserving his reputation as King of the Man Whores and Drinker of the Tall boys. /p

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