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All in one
Name?: Delisa
Birthday?: Jan. 6, 1988
Birthplace?: New Bern, NC
Eye Color?: Blk
Happy with it?: Why not?
Natural hair Color?: Off black
Happy with it? If not, do you die it?:
Body Type?: More to love!
Gender?: Female
Age?: 18
Age you act?: That's for you to decide
Age you want to be?: Hm....21
Righty or lefty?: Right
Piercings?: Not yet
Tattoos?: Not yet
What's Your....
Zociac Sign?: Capricorn
Ethnicity?: African American
Weakness?: Boys/Men
Fears?: Failure
Favorite Baseball Team?:
Bedtime?: Whenever I fall asleep
Favorite color(s)?:
Favorite Leter?: D
Favorite Number?:
Favorite Candy?: Skittles
First thought waking up?: Eating
Favorite Messenger?:
Screename?: Queen D
Favorite Store?:
Most missed memory?: Sept. 7, 2005
Best Physical Feature?: that's for you to decide
What do you like most about your body?:
Love and Stuff
Single?: For the most part yes
are you in love?: yes
Have you ever been in love? If so, how many times?: real love, just this time
Do you believe in love at first sight?: hell naw, the person could be a axe murderer
Is it possible to be faithful to one person forever?: yes, if you really love them
Do you want to get married?: someday
Have kids? how many?: 1
Do you believe in true love?: yes
What was your longest relationship?: about 2 years
Have You Ever....
Drank?: yes
Smoked?: yes
Tried to act perfect?: hell naw
Skinny Dipped?: no
Had sex?: yes
Kissed opposite sex?: duh
Kissed same sex?: that's fuckin sick
Been dumped?: who hasn't?
Done Drugs?: HELL NO!!!!
Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: of course
Ate sushi?: no
Loved Someone?: yes
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much?: kinda, he was a damn psycho so his ass had to go!
Loved a guy because he stalked you?: that's psychotic
Loved a guy because he hated you?:
Asked your friend's crush out?: lol
Lead a guy on for kicks?: plenty of times
Asked a guy out purely because he was hot?: naw
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend?: of coarse
Lide about not having a boyfriend?: hm.....I didn't think he was my boyfriend
Lied about having one?: that's dumb as hell
Cheated?: good girls don't tell
Been cheated on?: yes, but always with slack bitches. I don't understand it.
Had a crush on a gay guy?: That's nasty
Kissed a stranger?: Depends on what you call a "stranger"
Slept with a stranger?: naw
Spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: who in the hell does that?
Laughed so much it was painful?: very often
Cried so much it was painful?: too many times
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Played strip poker?: no
Done somthing extremely unexpected?: all the time
Had sex in a moving vehicle?: no
Turn ons?: too much to type
Turn offs?: a damn pedal pusher
Do you think the opposite sex finds you attractive?: yes
What is best about the opposite sex?: I don't know
Are you a virgin?: No
Do you believe you should be in love to have sex?: no, but don't just fuck everybody
How many people have you had sex with?: good girls don't tell
Do other people consider you a slut?: they shouldn't, becuz most of them are sluts they damn self
Do You....
smoke?: no
Drink alcohol?: once every blue moon
do drugs?: that's nasty
Pray?: sometimes
Goto church?: yes
sleep around?: hell no
lie a lot?: no
Steal?: no
Gamble?: no
Are you a health freak?: kinda
Live in the moment?: sometimes
Have any secrets?: if these walls could talk.......
Keep a journal/diary?: that's childish
Think you are a good person?: of coarse
Have any regrets?: yep
Think life has been good so far?: for the most part
Are You....
Fake?: HELL NO!
Selfish?: no
A daredevil?: no
Predictable?: i don't think so
trust worthy?: yes
gullible?: you can't slick a can of oil
What is you dream?:
Your greatest strength?: I ain't no dummy
Your greatest weakness?: boys/men
Would you date a guy for his money?: hell yeah
How about his social status?: doesn't really matter to me
Have you ever pretended to like someone you didn't to make them feel better: not exactly
Have you ever lied to get out of a date?: yep
Do looks matter?: for the most part, but I've had some boogabears
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?: most of the time
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?: shit, I'm used to it, as long as I know he loves me it doen't matter
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?:
In a Guy
Eye color?: any
Hair?: doesn't matter
Height?: 6'0 and up
Weight?: around 250
Body type?: thick and toned
Age?: 20 and up
Older or younger?: older
Long or short hair?: doesn't matter
Scruffy or clean cut?: clean cut
Looks or Personality?: both
Love or money?: both
Hot or cute?: hot
Funny or serious?: funny
Immature or mature?: mature, who wants a fuckin child?
Sweet or Romantic?: both
Athletic or artistic?: athletic
Rich or doesn't matter?: doesn't matter
Clingy or not?: hmm....
Romantic and thoughtful or horndog?: both
Emotional or not?: thats gay
Sincere or jokester?: jokester
Sexy or cute?: sexy
Outgoing or shy?: outgoing
Funny?: yes
Romantic?: yes
Thoughtful?: yes
Perverted?: uh, no
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