hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, whitewater, camping, danceing, singing in the shower, hop-skotch, cooking, hot tub...mostlikey there is more, but I am to lazy to write it.
This part is stupid, and sounds like everyone elses, i would like to meet, someone who is funny and willing to go hiking with me or just be outside. But if you are an over all good person I could care less what your like, as long as your chill and can handle the crazyness of me.
If I can listen to it with out covering my ears and skwishing up my eye balls, I like it.
Space Balls, love actually, coyote ugly, mystic river, b'saints, whale rider, Alfie, Willow, Princess Bride, little miss sunshine
I have not been around enough to watch TV...but I enjoy the stupid, the funny, the thinkers and they cry-baby!
Anything that can take me away from where I am or make me think. (I read my freshman year math text book, what does that tell you?)But honestly, I love to read!
none, it's not that I don't think anyone is great enough to be my hero, i just feel the term has been over used so much that to define it as someone in my life wouldn't make them any better who they already are.