The first thing you should know about me is that everything I do stems from Spirit and the Goddess, most often by way of interaction with scent. I work to become a clearer channel for Spirit to work through me and attempt to have this show up as acts of creativity and beauty intended to empower myself and others.
Through this lense all of my diverse work-- Natural Perfumery/Aromatherapy, Art, Healing, Teaching, etc.-- can be traced back to the same source.
This includes:
* The Goddess Aromaetica-- aromatherapy line including essential oils, hydrosols, tinctures, skin and body care, environmental fragrancing, ritual and anointing blends, subtle aromatherapy, custom blending, blank labeling, and more.
* The Pet Alchemist-- a specialty line of natural petcare products. "Only the best... for our pets."
* a complete Class and Retreat schedule intended to empower women to stand in their own power, wisdom and beauty. A highlight of the year is the annual Moon Goddess Retreat. "I wish every woman would realize the importance of gathering together with other women in sacred circles and treat themselves to a retreat. When women come together to share their stories— hearts are healed, lives are changed, inspiration is born."
* Creative and Empowering Products-- such as the Moon Goddess Oracle Deck-- worldly wisdom from everyday goddesses; and the "B the Messenger" line of goddess t-shirts and clothing.
* Joan of Art-- paintings, sacred altars, jewelry, clothing that has attracted a loyal following.
* the Powerful Passionate Women of Peace newsletter (sent on new and full moon)-- free subscription
* DoingIt!-- a journal of positive living. Paid monthly subscription magazine/newsletter, now in its 4th year. Online or postal subscriptions. Intended at infusing your mind with ongoing positive and thought-provoking articles, art, creative writing, exercises and more.
* Same Time Next Year-- a group of soulful travelers, gathering together to enjoy sacred journeys near and far. We are currently working to expand our schedule. Next up-- Tuscany, the South of France and Lake Como, Italy.
**Always** check my websites and blogs for the most up-to-date information:
My new column on
Please consider bookmarking these and visiting regularly.
I am also proud to offer two newslists/newsletters that you can subscribe to very easily from the homepage at . Just scroll down and click on either the Joan Clark or Powerful Passionate Women for Peace NewsList buttons.
The theme for this year, and this year's annual Moon Goddess Retreat, is:
A Time to Commit More Deeply to the Path .
Let us all remember to put our spirit work first in this world... and then watch everything else fall in line. Goddess Bless!