HIS FAVOR IS ON ME!!! GLOOOORY!!! profile picture


Elder Greg 21 years old, called of God and 7 years of preaching the unadulterated Gospel, chosen to

About Me

I edited my profile at ChristianMySpaceCodes.com
Christian MyspaceBorn and raised in poverty...Neglected and alone, no hope and no help, Until oneday in the valley of destruction I looked up and saw a Lilly in all the torment and and anger and ugliness something so beautiful and bright, it let me know that God was up to something. Out of all of this was a new me, it produced me to be Elder Greg Gerald, Gods mouth piece. At the age of 14 I answered my calling to ministry, I preached my initial message at 15 at my church under the leadership of my father the awesome Elder J. Glenn Gerald III. I was comfortable with that, but God saw fit to elevate me. Listen with elevation comes a lot of responsiblity, I thought I wasn't ready and wanted to run, but there was more that God required of me and I had to say yes! I was consecrated and ordained in 2006 by my beloved Bishop Anthony L. Jinwright @ the Greater Salem City of God Church and God is doing more in me and through me like never before...To God Be the Glory...I boast not or brag of my own but it's because of God that I am where I am today...I am the Elder over our youth ministry which is an awesome ministry also I am over the dynamic Radically Anointed Mime Ministry which will celebrate 9 years of ministry in this summer 2008...God is up to somehting in your life let Him do what He has to do and watch how your situation will begin to change for your good as mine did...Be blessed beyond measure...and if you want to know more then don't hesitate to leave a message...-------------------------------------------------- ------ A quote from yours truely: Keep your mind stayed on the mercy that God has shown you, and take your mind off of the Justice others deserve . -Elder Greg

My Interests

Performing Arts, Singing, Mime, Exercising, Track and Field

I'd like to meet:

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Gospel, Contemporary Christian, Slow R&B, 90's Slow R&B


Why did I get Married, All TIME FAVORITE COLOR PURPLE, the Green Mile, Chronicles of Narnija


Scooby Doo all day lol, Cartoons, All of us, Sanford and Son, Three's Company, American Idol


Bible, Child of God, Surviving the Crisis, Gods Armorbearer, and whatever else catches my attention in the 1st paragraph...lol


God, My Dad (daddies boy all day)lol, and my Bishop ALJ

My Blog


SO what do you do when you feel trapped? I mean you know that you want to get out but there is something in your mind that is holding you back...so what do you do...do you get out even if the conseque...
Posted by HIS FAVOR IS ON ME!!! GLOOOORY!!! on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 05:36:00 PST