wel where do i start about hoops, it all started off wayyy bk wen i was bout 12-13 n i was on da old skool garage n den i juss fort naa allow it n den i juss started beat boxin. i used 2 listen 2 different beats n try 2 master dem n mke sound as real as possible.as da yrs went by ma close boi Rebound-X was juss banggin in beats n i fort yhh dey r movin, so lke bout wen i was bout 15-16 i picked up da mic n started bk to where i am 2day. but hoops is also a prt time producer as i mke sme hip hop/r&b beats aswell on sme hip hop beat mker n its juss poppin off man.ma twin bro gt involved so did ma 2 ova bois C4 n Artilary n we jus fort lets mke sme musik. its nuffin 2 serious juss smefing in our spare time dat we cn all enjoy.but off all dat musik tlk im a blees guy 2 no n im reppin ma country 2 da fullest ST.LUCIA hold tite all ma lucians lol.im self motivated an ive gt ma head focused on wat I wnt 2 do in lfe . if u lke wat u c juss message me init. But no h888rs cz u juss get gd old fashion AIRRRR!!Me at wrk wrkin hrd lool
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