Welcome to the official MySpace of the COLOSSICK street team!
Ways you can help spread the word about COLOSSICK!
* Word of mouth is the best tool! Tell all your friends about Colossick and tell them to check out the band!
* Add the Colossick banner's to your page!
* Look on this page and copy codes for fliers and post them on your page, on your friends comments, bulletins, etc.
* Add a Colossick song to your page!
* Pass out fliers at shows....we'll either mail them to you or you can print them up and get copies from here!
* Request Colossick at your local radio stations!
* Repost ALL bulletins that the Street Team or Colossick post!
* Slap Colossick stickers all over the place....we'll get them to you soon!
* Bring your friends to Colossick shows!
* Tell your friends to add Colossick and if they wanna be a part of the Street Team then send them here too!
We'll be having contests and givaways for the BEST Street Teamers only soon! Please keep checking back for updates and more info!