[x]BoO yOu WhOrE[x] profile picture

[x]BoO yOu WhOrE[x]

I am here for Friends

About Me

[ThEy CaLl Me]..SaRa BuLl [SeX]..GiRl [StUnNeD eArTh]..17Th MaY [CaNdLeS bLoWn]..16 [LoOkS tHrOuGh]..DaRk BrOwN eYeS [BrUsHeS]..BlAcK hAiR [EdUcAtEs Me].. BuCkInGhAm SeCoNdArY [TaKeN bY]..No1 :( [LiKeS]..YoU dOn’T nEeD 2nO [PrOUd To Be].. UmM.. mIxEd RaCeD :) [RePpIn].. EnGlAnD n NiGeRiA bRaPp UnO hU rUnZ tInGz!! [On ThE mAp]..Milton Keynes [StAnDs At].. 5Ft9 [w?f?? ??]..No1 :( [LiKeS].. MuNcHiN,sHaKiN,JaMmIn,ChIlLiN wId My BuFf BoIz N bItChIn WiD mY gOrJuS gYaLiEz [HaTeS].. WaStE pPlZ, wAnNaBeS n CaTz [SiGn].. TaUrUsjus gone big up my bezzie kwickly!!! well his namez ebuka n hez a KING!!! he lykz 2fink he cn pose buh well... lol am jkin he a top poser!!! cn tell him evryfink n 2222happy i met him :D I get my Free MySpace Layouts at MySpaceStop.comXxA bAbY fLaVa PrOdUcTiOn Of ThE fAm... WeLl SuMa DeM lMaO eNjOyxX

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

***GoD 4oBvIoUs ReAsOnZ hE pUt Me On DiS eArTh N hAs DuN bArE 4mE.i AlSo Gt So MaNy UnAsWeReD qUeStIoNz ***MaRtIn LuThEr KiNg JnR u NoE bRaPp BrApP ***mArIlYn MoNrOe, HoW kL n SxC (nOt InA lEsBiAn WaY) wAs ShE
You Are Elmo
Sweet and innocent, you expect everyone to adore you. And they usually do!

You are usually feeling: Talkative. You've got tons of stories to tell. And when you aren't talking, you're laughing.

You are famous for: Being popular, though no one knows why. Middle aged women especially like you.

How you life your life: With an open heart. "Elmo loves you!" The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

My Blog

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