anastasios profile picture


About Me

friends call me however they want to... a bit of a lawyer a bit of a farmer a bit of a business man in Bulgaria a bit of an artist a bit of a traveler-adventurer-carrier dodger... always involved...always confused...never mistaken, since always a relativist... never say never...always say never...never say always...and always say always... . welcome to my site...enjoy...and good luck...T
hola chicas y chicos...esto es mi lugar personal electronico...sera continuamente en construccion!!!...pueden comentar gustan algunas, enviate un mensaje y puedo enviar a ustedes la foto en una forma propria...un abrazo...T
...αυτό το παλιόπραμμα αποφάσισε να τιμήσει τους ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες, στην αυγή του 21ου αιώνα και λίγο πριν αντικατασταθούν από λατινικούς...έτσι θα έχουμε minima, mhnyma, mhnima ή όπως αλλιώς του την καρφώσει του καθενός...γιατί είναι πολύ δύσκολο να θυμηθούμε ότι το μύνημα γράφεται ως μήνυμα... τέλος των πάντων...με τις υγείες σας το myspace...
and finally...for something completely different...
all right girls and boys...this site is primarily for my photos...enjoy, comment and ask about anything related to this constantly under-construction site...T
WHAT STREET PARTY? 4 - the video
όσοι ήρθαν...ξέρουν...και όσοι δεν ήρθαν...θα μάθουν... ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

WHAT STREET PARTY? 4...the video...

..³¹±Ä¯ ¿ ‘¸·½±¯¿Â...¾­Áµ¹ ³¹±Ä¯...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 17:54:00 GMT

º±½Ä¿»¯¼À± _werkvloer.html.. ¯µÃ· ÃÄ¿ µÁ³±Ã¹±ºÌ ñ ÀµÁ¹²¬»»¿½?£ÄÁ­Â? ¬³Ç¿Â? ±³É½¯±?‘ž·¼­½± ÉÁ¬Á¹±? ”ÅÃÇ­Áµ¹± º±Ä±½Ì·Ã·Â ±ÀÌ Ä¿Å ÃŽ±´­»Æ¿ÅÂ?•½´µ»µÇ®...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 03:47:00 GMT


Like a boat on the seaWe floatSoftly spoken waves and circlesGigantic musts and sailsWe rope.Wanting so much to touch you, but i don'tLike two seawaves we hope...One behind the other...One behind the ...
Posted by on Thu, 08 May 2008 15:40:00 GMT

check out the photos, the posts and other interesting stuff in this weird collaboration of peoples
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 13:08:00 GMT


would appreciate to anyone visiting this god forsaken attempt writing some comments by writing only one of the following words: crap, shite, bollocks, okish, ok, sweet, nice, brilliant, supe...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 13:49:00 GMT