People Matter More Than Banks!
It's me. It's just me . I'm a literature graduate and I worked in the market research industry for a few years. I got to know how our whole world is geared towards money, not people.
In particular, everything seems to end up with money flowing into the arms of the banks.
Not that I'm politically extreme or anything,
I just put people before money, that's all. Anyway, here's a picture of my friend Heather, who's an actress as well as a teacher. As you can see she thinks that people matter more than money as well!
Anyway, I had an idea. What if people never had to pay any interest on any money that they borrowed?
Yep, it was as simple as that. Imagine: you just don't pay any interest at all! Problem was, how do I make it happen? Well, about a year ago I was getting interested in websites and a little bit of programming (not much, just a little; just enough to do stuff and still live a useful life - hey, do I look like a geek?)
Have a look at the cool new video on YouTube:Go to .
What if there was a service that told people when their interest free credit card period was running out, and then gave them a link so that they could transfer their balances to another credit card immediately, and in theory never have to pay any interest, ever.
Better still, what if this service was completely free?
I thought about this for days, then weeks, and then it struck me how to do it.
So I built a web site that wasn't just any site, but which contained a service that did exactly that. And anyone can use it. And it's free.
With a little bit of help from those nice people at Aweber I put together a service that alerts people just before their credit card 0 APR period runs out, then sends them a link in an email so that they can transfer their balances there and then, saving lots of money. The result is the Credit Card Balance Transfers site. And what a piece of work it is!
A few hours later I had the section where you enter when your credit card's 0 APR offer is due to expire. That's the bit that ties into the autoresponder, so you can just forget about it until the reminder email arrives and allows you to transfer your balance. Beautiful!
You can transfer balances for years this way! You can get interest free credit for years, just because of my site. It amazes me to think that it's all completely legal.
Incidentally, my site is accredited to CardOffers, Inc., for those of you who prefer things being backed up by big secure corporations. So the the display of all cards, issuing of cards, etc., is handled on the card issuers' sites, not mine. I simply provide the idea. The reminders themselves are handled by Aweber's servers. They, too, are super secure. Just thought I'd make that clear :-)
My friends think I'm crazy not to charge for this. They think I should turn it into some paid membership site or something like that. Personally I get more satisfaction thinking about all that money the banks are losing out on, and that people are saving.
It's a very, er, sensible site, for want of a better word. It prevents banks from ripping us off. I'm really quite proud of it. Thousands of people have already signed up. It costs nothing to use. So what are you waiting for? Go and sign up to use the credit card balance transfer alert service at once!
Or here's the link to Credit Card Balance Transfers UK if you happen to live in Blighty.
Hesitation is Loss!
I wrote a little ebook(let) about it. You can download it from the site. Download the guide How to Get Free Credit .
Did I mention that all this was completely free to use?
Here it is again: People Matter More Than Banks!
Now Click here!