I Like To Take Surveys!
Ice Breakers:
Have Any Siblings?: naw ~only child~
What's Your Sign?: Scorpio!
How About A Chinese Zodiac Sign?: boar :p
Have Any Pets?: 2 kitties, 4 rats, and one beta
Appearance & Body:
Eye Color?: Brown eyed girl
Hair Color?: blonde~and yes we have more fun~
Is It Staight? Curly? Dreds? Afro?: straight
Do You Die Your Hair?: yup
Height?: 5'5"
Braces?: naw
How About Glasses or Contacts?: glasses on occasion
Wear Make-up?: not during the day
Atheltic? Thin? Plump? Normal? GIGANTIC?: slenderish proportionate
Use One Adjective To Describe The Way You Look...: anywhere from sloppy to drop dead gorgeous depending
Use One Adjective To Describe Your Style...: casual
Love & Friendships:
Do You Have A G/F or B/F?: naw
If Not, Are You Saddened By This?: naw
What About A Crush?: naw
Is He or She Your Age? Younger? Older?: wrolignbewrogi
Ever Dated Someone A LOT Younger Than You?: naw
Does This Person Know You Like Them?: wlrnegnj
3 Adjectives To Describe Your Love Life...: I do what i want!
Who Is Your Best Buddies?: david and the ashley's
Ever Been Stabbed In The Back By A Friend?: yup
Ever Talked Bad About Friends?: yup
Did You Lie On That Last Question?: no
School Name?: Seattle U
Fave Subject?: Philosophy, Psychology, History
Good Grades?: A's and B's
Ever Gotten Detention?: nope
Ever Been In or Started A Food Fight?: lol no, not at school
Know Any Big Words?: indubitably
Do You Like English or Math Better?: im more of a writer, so english.. also more room for bullshitting
Easiest Class?: independent studies
What Do You Think Of:
Abortion?: prochoice
Michael Jackson?: weirdo
Country Music?: no thanks
Those Emo Kids?: lol would be me if i was 14 now..
Wearing Fur?: only ok if we can also have human skin coats too
America & Obesity?: lol fuckin micky d's
God?: very skeptical, anythings possible i guess
Myspace?: its becoming a problem :p
Global Warming?: i wish it would kick in sooner, im freezing!
Do You Own A Horse?: ha! no
Do You Have An iPod?: yes, a mini.. its pink
Do You Like Pie?: berry pies are coo
Have You Seen Over 100 Movies?: umm ya
Do You Like Gilmore Girls?: no thanks
Do You Like Aqua Teen Hunger Force?: yes! meatwad gets the hunnies g!
How About Water?: the cure-all
List 5 Of Your Favorite Bands:: deftones, radiohead, sublime, third eye blind, beatles
Are You Bored?: no, this survey keeps me entertained :p
How About Now?: yes
Whos The Skankiest Person You Know?: theres a handful
Do You Know Anyone Whose Name Begins With A?: yes! my two ashleys!
Have You Ever Bought YUGIOH Cards For Yourself?: is this made for 12 year olds?!
Do You Even Know What YUGIOH Is?: lol thank you for preserving my faith in this survey
I Dont Either. Moving On, Turn Your Head 90 Degrees, What Do You See?: my rat cage
Whats The Last Thing You Ate?: apple sauce
Ever Shop At Victoria's Secret?: yup
If Yes, What Did You Get?: everything
How Many C.D.'s Do You Own?: i dont fuck with cd's anymore
Ever Had Oral Surgery?: minus the surgery
Do You Hate Kids?: no, love em!
Do You Own Green Socks?: yes!
This Or That:
Winter or Summer?: SUMMER!
Myspace or Facebook?: MYSPACE REPRESENT!
Cingular or Verizon?: i used to work for cingular, so verizon.. :p
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
House Phone or Cell Phone?: cell
Shampoo or Conditioner? Or Both?: conditioner is better, it goes on 2nd and makes the hair silky and smooth
Glasses or Contacts?: glasses are hot
Buying C.D.'s or Illegal Free Downloading?: hurray for piracy!
Shorts or Pants?: sweats
Tanning or Spray On?: both please! make me dark and beautiful!
Honey Nut or Reg. Cheerios?: butter nuts!
Happy or Sad?: both, nowhere in between please!
Football or Soccer?: same thing for me im british!
Dubble Bubble or Super Bubble?: bubblishous
Cheez-It or Cheese Nips?: goldfishes are delishous
One Night Stand or Long Term Relationship?: somewhere in between
Community College or University?: Seattle U uuunnnngggggg! nana nana!
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