gRiStLe profile picture


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About Me

I'm at a point of transition in my life right now. Just graduated University with a Psych degree.. Shedding some old parts of my past that are long due for a cleaning.. and anxious and excited for what's to come next. I'm getting more and more into photography and art, mixed media art. I love to dance around in my living room like a crazy, love pigging out (ice cream cones at home are the shit!), I'm super amped for fun this summer! Boating with midge, golden gardens and the burning shoe crew, sunsets, and outdoors, mikes hard (cause i dont drink beer, ok!?), camping, workin my tail off and makin loot, looking for what next, growing, learning, loving, living!

My Interests

I Like To Take Surveys!
Ice Breakers:
Have Any Siblings?: naw ~only child~
What's Your Sign?: Scorpio!
How About A Chinese Zodiac Sign?: boar :p
Have Any Pets?: 2 kitties, 4 rats, and one beta
Appearance & Body:
Eye Color?: Brown eyed girl
Hair Color?: blonde~and yes we have more fun~
Is It Staight? Curly? Dreds? Afro?: straight
Do You Die Your Hair?: yup
Height?: 5'5"
Braces?: naw
How About Glasses or Contacts?: glasses on occasion
Wear Make-up?: not during the day
Atheltic? Thin? Plump? Normal? GIGANTIC?: slenderish proportionate
Use One Adjective To Describe The Way You Look...: anywhere from sloppy to drop dead gorgeous depending
Use One Adjective To Describe Your Style...: casual
Love & Friendships:
Do You Have A G/F or B/F?: naw
If Not, Are You Saddened By This?: naw
What About A Crush?: naw
Is He or She Your Age? Younger? Older?: wrolignbewrogi
Ever Dated Someone A LOT Younger Than You?: naw
Does This Person Know You Like Them?: wlrnegnj
3 Adjectives To Describe Your Love Life...: I do what i want!
Who Is Your Best Buddies?: david and the ashley's
Ever Been Stabbed In The Back By A Friend?: yup
Ever Talked Bad About Friends?: yup
Did You Lie On That Last Question?: no
School Name?: Seattle U
Fave Subject?: Philosophy, Psychology, History
Good Grades?: A's and B's
Ever Gotten Detention?: nope
Ever Been In or Started A Food Fight?: lol no, not at school
Know Any Big Words?: indubitably
Do You Like English or Math Better?: im more of a writer, so english.. also more room for bullshitting
Easiest Class?: independent studies
What Do You Think Of:
Abortion?: prochoice
Michael Jackson?: weirdo
Country Music?: no thanks
Those Emo Kids?: lol would be me if i was 14 now..
Wearing Fur?: only ok if we can also have human skin coats too
America & Obesity?: lol fuckin micky d's
God?: very skeptical, anythings possible i guess
Myspace?: its becoming a problem :p
Global Warming?: i wish it would kick in sooner, im freezing!
Do You Own A Horse?: ha! no
Do You Have An iPod?: yes, a mini.. its pink
Do You Like Pie?: berry pies are coo
Have You Seen Over 100 Movies?: umm ya
Do You Like Gilmore Girls?: no thanks
Do You Like Aqua Teen Hunger Force?: yes! meatwad gets the hunnies g!
How About Water?: the cure-all
List 5 Of Your Favorite Bands:: deftones, radiohead, sublime, third eye blind, beatles
Are You Bored?: no, this survey keeps me entertained :p
How About Now?: yes
Whos The Skankiest Person You Know?: theres a handful
Do You Know Anyone Whose Name Begins With A?: yes! my two ashleys!
Have You Ever Bought YUGIOH Cards For Yourself?: is this made for 12 year olds?!
Do You Even Know What YUGIOH Is?: lol thank you for preserving my faith in this survey
I Dont Either. Moving On, Turn Your Head 90 Degrees, What Do You See?: my rat cage
Whats The Last Thing You Ate?: apple sauce
Ever Shop At Victoria's Secret?: yup
If Yes, What Did You Get?: everything
How Many C.D.'s Do You Own?: i dont fuck with cd's anymore
Ever Had Oral Surgery?: minus the surgery
Do You Hate Kids?: no, love em!
Do You Own Green Socks?: yes!
This Or That:
Winter or Summer?: SUMMER!
Myspace or Facebook?: MYSPACE REPRESENT!
Cingular or Verizon?: i used to work for cingular, so verizon.. :p
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
House Phone or Cell Phone?: cell
Shampoo or Conditioner? Or Both?: conditioner is better, it goes on 2nd and makes the hair silky and smooth
Glasses or Contacts?: glasses are hot
Buying C.D.'s or Illegal Free Downloading?: hurray for piracy!
Shorts or Pants?: sweats
Tanning or Spray On?: both please! make me dark and beautiful!
Honey Nut or Reg. Cheerios?: butter nuts!
Happy or Sad?: both, nowhere in between please!
Football or Soccer?: same thing for me im british!
Dubble Bubble or Super Bubble?: bubblishous
Cheez-It or Cheese Nips?: goldfishes are delishous
One Night Stand or Long Term Relationship?: somewhere in between
Community College or University?: Seattle U uuunnnngggggg! nana nana!
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I'd like to meet:

img src=" bob%20marley%20pot.jpg"


img src=" ini_ep.jpg"


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img src=" hedelic.lady.jpg"

My Blog

Real girl rant

PLease!!!!! I AM A REAL GIRL!*i DONT wallow in my own stupidity for falling for the wrong guy*I DONT waste my whole day dreaming/thinking/shopping for some dude who isnt doing the same for me*I'm NOT ...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:28:00 PST


Just got back from seven days in hawaii.. LOVED it!! I missed it there so much! it had been over 4 years since i had gone. This time i was visiting my dad who just moved there about 3-4 months ag...
Posted by gRiStLe on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 02:15:00 PST

dump your significant other!

Come on people . . . if your under 25, listen up. Everywhere I look, everyone I know is hooked up in relationships they shouldn't be in. And not because they're unhappy (some of them are) but because ...
Posted by gRiStLe on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 02:45:00 PST

My trip to Cali

Man, I had SUCH a blast in california! I REALLY loved it down there! I don't know what it is, i think its the palm trees, no honestly! I can't be all that sad if im looking at a palm tree! The Beach w...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 10:42:00 PST


I have a hole in my nose!
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I got my rats! They are two baby girls, Maeshty and Meemers. Maeshty has wavy fur and whiskers, and meemers looks like she has a tiara on her head. I LOVE THEM!  ...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Carson Daily sucks balls!

I HATE Carson Daily! He's such a fuckin CHUMP! He is also a horrendous late night host, who's moronic attempts to be witty remind me of a 16 year old football player in the lunchroom.. lets do somethi...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My enneagram type THE INDIVIDUALIST Enneagram Type Four The Sensitive, Withdrawn Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental Basic...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

ups and downs

Man.. my life has seemed like an emotional rollercoaster these last few months. I am at ,yet another, huge crossroads in my life (how many more of these do i have to go through!?) To where, once again...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Summer is here! Yay! we've been waiting for so long! I've been lazy about work.. but im getting back on top of things again, you eventually miss the feeling of making money. I need to practice being ...
Posted by gRiStLe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST