wantun [Ã lex, francesc, joan, jordi, ricard]
1.0.indie [ind(ependent) + -ie] n. 1.One, such as a studio or producer, that is unaffiliated with a larger or more commercial organization. 2.An artistic work produced by an independent company or group: [His film] showed that indies could... take in millions at the box office (Liesl Schillinger) . adj.Of, relating to, or being an indie: an album of indie rock; an indie film company.
1.1.indi [1249; del nom de l'Ãndia, d'on provenia la substà ncia] adj. Natural de l'Ãndia. Relatiu o pertanyent a l'Ãndia o als indis. m. 1. Substà ncia colorant de tina, de color blau, obtinguda del glucòsid indican extret de l'anyil. 2.Un dels set colors de l'espectre solar, entre el blau i el violat. m. Metall de sÃmbol In, nombre atòmic 49 i pes atòmic 114,82.
2.0.rock [rock'n'roll] n. 1. pop music with heavy beat: pop music derived from blues music that has heavily stressed beats. It is usually played on electric instruments and has simple, often repetitive, lyrics. 2. dance done to rock and roll: dancing done to rock and roll music.
2.1.roc [forma masculinitzada de roca] m. 1. Tros de pedra. M'han tirat un roc. Un cop de roc. Dur com un roc. 2. tenir (o portar) un roc a la faixa fig. i colloq. Tenir diners estalviats, tenir riqueses guardades per a quan facin falta.
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