~ puteri damya~ profile picture

~ puteri damya~

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

[totally in lurve wif a total psycopath-ego-maniac by da name oF MR FARED] [mUmmY's baBy gUrL] [lurve to shop til drop] [spend like runnin water] [loathe those fCuKin Low-LiFe hypocrites] [sCenE maKer] [music freak] [matrealistic..err..definitely!] [embarrass people who deserves it] [spoiled BRAT] [independent] [high expectations] [cRazEe!][jeAlouZ tO nO LimiT] [adore DiOr] [luRves reVenGe] [puRrfecTly VAiN!] [toTalLy coNfiDenT] [revErsE psycHoloGy pRacTitIonaR] [a toTal bItCh whEn i waNt to,hAve to N fOrcEd to] [anGeliC witH beNefit] [loW doSage wiLL makE u cRave bUt oVer dOsaGe wiLL drIve u straIghT to meNtaL insTituTion] [bEwaRe] [toTalLy suPerdUPer sArcAstiC] [LurVes cUrsiNg] [speEd dRivIng] [saLon n sPa fReaK] [pLEasUre adDicT] [nOtTy] [hUstLer] [pAssIonaTe] [pArtY pArtY!] [i LurVe baLooNs toO..bIG haLogEn onEs] [BubbLe Bath] [gRape bUbbLe yUm] [haTe trAfFic LigHts] [hAte sWeats] [lurVe wHitE rOsE] [pErfumEs] [bUttErfLieS!!] [cHocoLate fReak!] [LoyAL..n to tHose of U who dIsaGrEe..weLL,,fCuk U!u doNt kNow me,n i Dont xPect u tO..] [sTar GazEr] [RainBow aDmiReR] [cOugH sYruP LuvEr,i'M noT aDdicTed oK!] [wHitE-bLaCk] [siLveRs] [dIamonD frostIng] [apPle soUr taPes] [pEacHes] [raSpbeRry] [sTrawbErrY yoGhurts] well neone who knows me they know better,,i suPpoSe..wHuteva it is, i'm definitely not an open book..!! Koz weLL,as u caN c i'M actUaLly a simPle perSon.. NOT!!!LifE is MeanT tO b coMplIcaTed!%D%A%D%AHELL..%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D %A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D ?uCk U mR eMran...aka dude!!%D%A%D%A

My Interests

Cars...Foods...Sleeping...mODelling...Flying....Travel....Dr ifting...sHopPinG...

I'd like to meet:

those who are 2600 miles away; who are always in my mind, heart & soul.%D%A%D%Awho never fails to make me smile, who can always make my day; [guyz u knw who u are]




poseidon...Click..Nacho lIbrE..heart..cINta...CiCakz man...


Oprah Winfrey, Everybody Hates Chris, Dora the Explorer, The L Word




pRince ChaRming -- fared