*.+*..'~+*_.+sweet memories.-*+-'~.*._+
HUH? WHAT?: i don't think i was paying attention to the question. for those that know me i have a hard time paying attention - especially if there's even ONE hot guy lingering in the background. and for that, i apologize. i must work on my attention span.WHAT I DO: i only do graphic design freelance now, and half of my work i'm extremely proud to say is non-profit work, the other half is not as heart-warming but the companies i work for aren't evil like walmart, phillip morris, or monsanto. and i'll never take them on. no amount of money is worth it. this is also why i'm single. EVERY SINGE FAG i've ever met/been attracted to has a desperate need to be surrounded in premium things and live a competitively luxurious lifestyle, and willling to sell their soul to get leather interiors!, designer couches!, and 70 in HD flat screen TV screens!. i say, go to hell. *middle fingerrrr*
TITTY-BITS: i'm mainly liberal, but don't like gay pride very much. and the government is way to fucking big. i hate beer. i'm allergic to fish. i don't smoke weed. i love eating. I love sweets so much, i only allow myself one per day. i like animals so much, i stopped eating them for 7.5 years. i love the snow. i like walking. don't own a car. don't watch TV (except for LOST) i love video games. i can be a total cheap-ass. i like to be domestic, like a TV mom. i like cheesy bad music. i also like cool obscure stuff. i want to make this world better for everyone, and so far, i think i'm doing a good job...