hello everyone, i'am currently a public saftey officer, superviser- sgt. as my ranking is for mall of the bluffs. in 2003 i was diagnosed with kidney failure, in 2005 i had to be put on dialyis for three times a week for four hours it tired me down but i was still working, in may of 2006 i got my kidney transplant, at the nebraska medical center, they are the best doctors, and nurses their is, and doing pretty good. I have fun at my work becuase i can tell people what to do and i can kick them out.my favorite team is iowa state.i like to cook, go camping and work on my car, and things to it, it's a 2006 chevy cobalt i have two sister's one i lost in 2005 to pancreatic cancer. the other one still here and doing good
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