Honani Girl profile picture

Honani Girl

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello! A little about myself. I am Hopi/Zuni orginally from Arizona. My family is from the village of Kykotsmovi on the Hopi reservation. I am an alumni of Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, CA, and Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, KS. I am a full time clay artist. I am a hand builder, meaning I do not use a wheel or "throw" any of my clay pieces. My clay work is contemporary in style using traditional pueblo forms, shapes or designs. Check out my other page to see more of my work and list of shows or galleries that carry my work. www.myspace.com/claybadger or find it under Badger Babe Clay.
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I am Loved without Fear ~ Trusted without Questioning ~ Needed without Demanding ~ Wanted without Restrictions ~ Accepted without Change ~ Desired without Inhibitions ~ This is a Love so Free ~ Will Never Disappear. ~~~~~ He has seduce my mind and has my body ~~ He has found my soul and I'm his forever ~~~~ this true Love has not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly ~~~ With Love and Patience, Nothing is Impossible ~~~ Our love has nothing to with what each of us are expecting to get, its what we are expecting to give -- which is everything ~~~ Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive ~~~ My Love -- he drew a circle that shut me out -- Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win; we drew a circle that took him in. ~~ Love is Given ~~ Hatred is Aquired ~~
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

WOW - I found - A man that has not lost his youthful sense of humor, curiosity, or his sense of fun, someone who has an imagination and can think out of the box. A man that is affectionate, romantic, trustworthy, loyal, honest, patient, gentle, courteuos and protective. He makes me laugh. He has the ability to carry on an intelligent conversation, as well as, be able to communicate his wants, needs, thoughts and feelings - to me. A man who has the ablility to take things in life as they come. He's a man who believes in himself and lives his convictions, but is not arrogant, but down to earth. He is unafraid of change, and have an open mind in many areas, also the ability to build on a friendship that will last a life time. ~ Its so true when you are not looking, interested or even thinking about being in a relationship -SMAACK! There you are! Looking into the eyes, holding the hand of your best friend and you had no idea this would ever happen! Now each day is better than the last and you find yourself smiling for no reason. Life seems less stressful - also find myself daydreaming - not good for my clay work!! Anywhoo . . . For those still looking, don't look too hard! Don't set your sites so high you can't find the happiness and love right in front of you!

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