thIs pAgE Is A trIbUtE tO mAI bIg brOthEr nAthOn lEE yOUng, mAy hE rEst In pArAdise...Its cOmIng On to 5 yEArs cOmE dEcEmbEr....fEEl frEE tO lEAvE cOmmEnts fOr hIm..PLEASE DO!!..
thEy sAy thAt thE gOOd dIE yOUng..nOw AInt thAt jUst thE mUthA fUckIn trUth...wEll thErEs mUch tO sAy bOUt mAI bIg brO bUt sO lIttlE spAcE n sO lIttlE tImE...hE wAs thE bEst brOthEr nEOnE cOUld EvEr Ask fOr..nOt mAny bIg brOthErs wOUld plAy wIth thUr lIl sIs n stUff, bUt nAtE dId..n wE hAd thE bEst tImEs...nAthOn wAs sO fUll Of lUv And AmbItIOn..hE nEvEr lEt pEOPlE brIng hIm dOwn...hE wOUld AlwAys stIck Up fOr mE whEn I nEEdEd hIm, n hE AlsO stOOk Up fOr OthErs As wEll...nAthOn wAs jUst An All ArOUnd kInd hEArted lOvIng pErsOn...If yOU dIdnt gEt tO knO hIm thEn I thInk yOU mIssEd OUt On OnE Of thE bEst OpOrtUnItIEs In Ur lyfE, wIthOUt A dOUbt..... width="425" height="350" ..Nathon Lee Young
Born 20 December 1987He was known by some as Nate, Big Nate, and his close friends sometimes called him Nate Dog.Nathon passed away on December 4th, 2002 after an accidental shooting on the previous day.Although he struggled with his grades as many do, he recently made a promise to himself to try and study harder to get better grades for his family. ( His father found this promise written in his room after his death.He was a compassionate and grateful person always willing to help his friends.He cared about the hurts and feelings of others and often tried to keep kids from picking on each other. Those who knew him best remember him for his big heart, "the heart of a bear" according to his father.He was respected by both teachers and friends.Nathon, a 9th grader at Spanaway Jr. High, had many interests. He played the trumpet in 7th grade band and played on the Warriors football team in 8th grade. He was also involved in the School Pride Project. One of Nathon's favorite classes was drafting and he hoped to someday be a draftsman. His dad admired Nathon's dedication to the class and suggested it might be a good future career.Outside of school Nathon enjoyed talking to friends on the computer, writing poems, playing with his X-Box and lifting weights. He also collected remote control cars.Nathon had been obsessed with the dream of driving a car since the age of six or seven. He couldn't wait to get his driver's permit and then his license. He was always pointing out expensive sports cars to his father and dreamed of having one of his own.Nathon enjoyed cooking for his sister, Sarah, and was a good cook.One special event in his life was a trip to Korea with his sister, brother and mom two years ago. In Korea, Nathon was friendly to everyone and enjoyed trying to communicate. He had a pleasant personality and a good sense of humor.Since it was true in his life to try to help his friends and others his family decided that although it was never previously discussed, Nathon would like to help some others live in his death. Nathon was then signed up for the organ donor program where his Good Heart ( as that of a bear ) as well as other vital organs could give Life and strength to another.Although this is and was a very understandably difficult decision to make, it seems that it is the only good that could come from the Terrible tragedy of his death and should stand as an example to us all.Nathon is survived by his parents, Keith and Su Chong, his brother Neil (18) and his sister Sarah (12). He will be missed by both family and friends.A memorial service will be held on Saturday, December 14th at 12:00 p.m. at Mountain
View Funeral Home. Viewing will be Thursday and Friday the 12th and 13th of
December from 12:00 - 9:00 P.M. for those who may not be able to make it to the
Memorial service on Saturday.A Benevolent fund for Nathan Young ( Nate ), to defray Hospital and Funeral expenses, has been established at the Bank of America Donors may contribute at any Bank of America BranchNathon Lee Young