-colorguard...there is nothing quite like performing to an audiance of over 10,000 people. yay DCI(check out dci.com) -tattoos... i have a ducky on the back of my left leg. and some cute swirlies on my right foot under my toes....and i want the keltic tree of life on both of my shoulders. -piercings... i don't have any as of now... i did have my nose, eyebrow, and a couple in my ears... oh yeah and my conches *tears* those were my fav.
your momma.... OHHHHHHHHHH SNAP.....I only add people I already know or have known in the past. I am too busy to make new friends.
almost anything... i love singing in the rain... singing in the rain.. what a beutiful feeling i'm happy again... lalalalala...oh and its all about the jazz right now... can't get enough of it.
space balls.. thats all i have to say...
I don't really watch that much anymore. I don't have cable( i know its a sin, but i am poor) i catch the news in the morning, but mostly for the weather. I do however enjoy most of the shows in the discovery channel!
its sad, but i hate to read.
my mommy... she's the best.