Aerryn profile picture


Life is Good .. ..

About Me

ohh Erin...i love you, will you marry me?
i post a lot of bulletins
if you don't like it
you can delete me
and we can talk through messages
breathing is over-rated
my name is.

i wish i was more than i am
i'm tired of being hurt
all i ask of you is
please, don't hurt me
hurt me once, and i will give you another chance
hurt me a second time, i'll give you another chance
hurt me a third time, and i give up
i like to quote people
i'm all for make out buddies
boys say the cutest things when they're horny
i reply to everything
no, i don't think i'm better than everyone else
but yes, i do make fun of a lot of people
myspace is over-rated
but i can't live without it
i often call people 'love' and 'dear'
even if i don't know them
it's just who i am
i love cute-sy things

i'm vegetarian
and lactose intolerant
i'm shallow
but so is everyone else

but i am a crush whore
i'm a jealous person
and i have a low self-esteem
you'll get used to it
and i'll try not to show it
if you chose to fight with me
yes, i will bring my friends into it
get over it
because 1. you started the fight.
2. i don't care what you think when we're in a fight
and 3. if you make me cry, i need someone to hold me
i can be a hypocrite
and so can everyone else
i believe in same sex marriage
love is the best feeling in the world
knowing you fell out is the worst
make me smile
and i'll be your friend for the rest of our lives
don't take it personally
if i forget your name after 5 minutes
i do that to everyone
i don't believe in god
don't try to convinve me that i do
if i had to pick a religion
it'd probably be taoism
politics are confusing
but i'm very opinionated
friends are my everything
you can be one of them

just talk to me
the end.
p.s. d0nt tAlK l!k3 th!s
i will delete you
no exceptions
James Baclasky

we're besties.

it's okay to be jealous
i would be, too, if i were you
i love this kid

he's one of the bestest of the best friends that i have
he's the boy i can come crying to
and he'll hold me and let me just sob
this is the boy i call when i'm bored
and even when i'm not
and he'll come over, just to be with me
this is the boy i tell secrets to
and he won't tell anyone else
this is the boy who can make me smile
when life seems a little nasty
this is the boy who would do anything for me
and in return, i would do anything for him
he keeps me sane
when the world is spinning and trying to knock me down
we have a friendship that nobody could ever understand
we can annoy each other all day and all night
and still want to see each other again the next day
we can fight nonstop and still love each other
he's amazing
and i love him
and quite honestly
he means more to me than you ever will

i'd spend forever with him
if he wanted to spend forever with me.
"I'm taking blood oaths
Flees like you could kiss my imperfections
My imperfections away
And I would stand
Stand by your side
Until the sun turns the sky
All the colors I see in your eyes
I'll never need to see the sun again
There's enough light in your eyes
To light up our little world
So take me
Take me away
Kill me slowly
I'll never be the same
I swear to you
On everything I am
And I dedicate to you all that I have
And I promise you
That I will stand right by your side
Forever and always
Until the day I die"
- Atreyu "This Flesh is a Tomb"
Hope Elison
is the most amazing girl i have ever met.
she's the one of the most important people of my life.
ever to grace this planet
she's pretty
she's smart
she's amazing
she's my sister
ever.and ever.
even if all we think of to talk about is boys
she's someone i feel like i can tell anything to
and she's not about to tell everyone else
we understand each other more than anyone will ever know
we've been through life together,
the good and the bad,
and we're still best friends sisters
Dear Hope:
I'M IN LOVE and if i was bi or lesbian
i seriously would have found my soul mate.
but you can't really fall in love with your sister now can you?
well, there isn't a more strong sisterly bond than what we have together.
she's my idol,
the brightest star in my sky,
the sun to help me through life,
the moon to guide me through dark nights,
and the rescue team when i'm lost.
she means everything to me.
and i just don't know how to let her know,
how much i truely love her.
she has been there for me, since the day i was born.
and hopefully, until the day i die.
i will love her forever and always,
until the end of time and then some.
eternity, really.
i'm in debt to her.
a debt i can never repay.
except with all the love i have for her.
thank you.
for being my sister.
James Gilbert
means the world to me. he's one of the most amazing guys i've ever met.
and now that we're friends,
we're best
i can talk to him,
[he's helped me through some tough shit]
and i can be ME around him.
he's not gonna judge me by what i look like
he doesn't get pissed at me [for the most part]
and even if we [together] have gone through shit,
we still talk
we still love each other.
that's the most amazing thing.
i can't think of what my life would be like without him
it's terrifying, really.
i couldn't go on without him.
i couldn't.
Mallory Armstrong
this girl is the greatest [at least one of them]
she means so much to me.
i've known her since 8th grade...
so really, not that long.
but it's long enough to know that she means everything to me.
she's the sweetest girl
and there are memories that i could never forget
we can tell each other anything
and our opinions of each other
won't waver
there's no words to express how much she means to me
i love how we can talk about anything together
and she'll be there to listen
and i love how she trusts me with anything
and just.
she's so...great
i love her so muuuuch!!!
Jamie Bilyeu
is as sweet i could ever imagine.
i could tell her anything
and if it was bad, she'd comfort me
and if it was good, she'd laugh with me.
there has been more fun times with this girl
than ever right now
and i hope we never lose each other
cause i don't know what i would do without her
she's everything to me
Vikky Hurt
is amazing
when i first met her, i thought she was just really quiet
well, turned out she wasn't.
not by a long shot.
i wouldn't trade her for the world.
i'll love her to the end of the world and back
and forever later on.
and the more i hang out with her
the more i love her and love her and love her
she's just the greatest
i love her
Annie Hoag
no words can express what i feel for her.
ever since 6th grade, she has been my best friend
no kidding
we could write books of all the stories we made up
we've had great times
and we've always been really close
there's so much i love about her
there would be no end. ps
you are the love of my life.
you mean everything to me.
and i will always be there to love and cherish you.
whatever your problems are
and even if i dont' have any advice
please know that i'll definately listen.
i'll call my origanal plans shit if you need me to just come hang out with you.
i'd go to the end of the world and back
and then a thousand times more.
i've known you for forever.
you are a HUUUUGE part of my life.
and if you weren't in it.
i think know i would die.
i don't know where to begin
maybe it's the fact that we're both vegetarians
and not afraid to tell everyone else
maybe it's the fact that we don't eat vegetables
even if we are "vegetarians"
maybe it's that you're different
and so am i

maybe it's all the promises that we made

maybe it's how "hippy" we are
maybe it's something else
but i know one thing
all those maybes
they make up our friendship
and they mean so much to me
it's unbelievable
Erin Westover
my dear.
i haven't known you for that long.
in fact, not long enough
but we will get there, right?
you are my crazy angel.
forever, ok?
you mean a whole aweful lot to me
no joke.
we have spent a lot of time creating memories
that will never be forgotten
and there will be a lot more memories to remember
together....we can make all the sick puppies better
we can make every guy turn their heads towards us
and we can spend the rest of our lives being crazy kids
i love you very vey much
and not only is it mutual...
but you have taught much
that being yourself is juuuust fine
and be as crazy as you want
don't let other people control your life
but can control mine a thousand times over
cause i love you just that much
thank you, lovee

Meghan F
is amaaazziiiing
"ow you moose"
she can make me laugh
even when it seems like that would be the hardest thing to do
she can make me do it
we haven't known each other that long
but that doesn't matter
cause i love her to no end
i'm pretty sure...
that we'll stay friends forever
cause she's just that cool
i sure hope so
she means a lot to me
Kara Gendron
i wrote a poem my dear:
let us dance until our feet are sore
let us dance until the stars fall out of the sky
[to join us]
let us dance until the sun rises and sets
[and rises and sets]
let us dance until we have listened to all the music
[in all the world]
let us dance until the end of time
[when the world is asleep]
let us dance until we drop with exhaustion.
let us dance, my dear.
i love you so much
you have no idea
i can't believe how good of friends we have become
and we've just met

but girl.
you are my world
i'm sooo glad i've met you
and i don't think that my life would be half as fun
if it weren't for you
you mean so much to me
thank you for everything
every time i see you
i can't help but grin
cause you are like a sister to me
i don't know where to start with this kid
i love this kid
so much
you have no idea
he's pretty much my hero
he has helped me so much
and i have helped him so much

and there have been times
where i look at him
and it's just like "oh my god...i love him"
he's just that much of a great person
as a brother of course
Kalia Gefroh
one of the prettiest girls i know
and even if we have a mutual love-hate relationship
she's really quite the sweety
and i really do love her
even if she is a huge bitch
when you're on her good side
she's one of the better friends
i'm so glad i met you
Jenn Pelletier
pretty much the greatest girl in the...
whole world

i can't begin to say how glad i am to have met you
without you, i would be dead in world geo.
and i can't wait to actually hang out with you and kalia
it'll be pretty much the greatest day ever
you are so great
and i love you so much
this girl is the shit
she is just fucking amazing
and i love her to death
at first, i was like
who the hell is this
and then i got to know her
and she's just. fucking.
you don't even know
Amy Price
wowweee, pretty girrrl
man, how could i have lived all my life
and not have known you?
you are the best
and i love you soo muuuch
already, you're like a sister to me
Karre Diem
such a sweety
meeting her was one of the best days...
she's such a cutie
and i hope we stay friends forever
cause she means a lot to meee
like a sister
i love him with all my hearrrt

My Interests

wishing on shooting stars
making funny faces in the mirror
blowing the fluff off dandelions
holding my breathe through tunnels
watching disney movies
dancing everywhere i go

I'd like to meet:

anyone and everyyyyone.

i'll talk to anyone

especially someone like this:


30 Seconds to Mars

[A Fire Inside] AFI
A Heartwell Ending
As I Lay Dying
A Thorn For Every Heart
A Static Lullaby Alexisonfire

Boys Like Girls
Blink 182

Cute Is What We Aim For
[Camp Kill Yourself] CKY
[The] Casualities

Dropping Daylight
Daft Punk
[The] Duskfall

Every Time I Die

From Autumn to Ashes
From First to Last
Funeral for a Friend
From Aphony
Forgive Durden

Greeley Estates
[The] Ghosts of Verona
Gym Class Heroes

Hawthorne Heights
He Is Legend

Iced Earth
It Dies Today
I Am Ghost

Just Surrender

Kill Hannah

Letters From the Front

[The] Metic Droid




- Q -

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Rise Against
Roses Overhead

[The] Sex Pistols
Still Remains
Story of the Year
Shiny Toy Guns
Set Your Goals

Tegan and Sara

[The] Used
Until We Wake

- V -

We The Kings

- X -

- Y -

- Z -


disney movies


i like to read
leave me alone.
dr. seuss is the best


these are the kids who make my heart melt