Hey people my name is trisha im 17... i am Italian and very proud !!! i have been a dancer all my life, i love to dance, i am currently on the Dance team at my school and we are awesome...one of the most prettiest Dance teams i have ever seen..if i must say so myself, well i am a very outgoing person i like to speak my mind if i like something or if i dont....i dont take crap from any one especially from a guy. Um i am also a nice and funny person i love to laugh and make people laugh.... My most prize possetion would be without them i wouldnt be anything.. i love them to death they have always been there for me and when were together we can have fun doing whatever..we just be ourselves and have a great time My favorite color is , i love Carebears....my favorite number is 3 idk why it was my number in my 4th grade class and has stuck with me. I love to take pics...thats kinda why theres so many on here when they actually show .
I absolutely love all my friends these are the girls: Anna, Taylor, Jenna, Lauren, Isma, Erin, Natalie, Daphnie,
Elise, Alyssa, Brooke, Cayti Bug, Brittany, Caroline, Cassie R, & All of the Dance Team
To my guys friends they are: Tommy(my best friend-butt), Adam, Nash, Nick, Robby, Chris P, Corbs, Chris H, Wesley, Matt, Kevin, Jon, Marc,and Zach Castle(crack) They are my favorites!
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