James profile picture


No spin zone...

About Me

I guess I am supposed to put something here, hmm... Ok, let's try this.. I'm funny, or try to be and usually crack myself up at times. I like to bust on friends too, and usually try to find a way to poke at them, in fun of course (heh), and can be a bit, ok a whole lot, sarcastic at times. I'm overly curious about people/things that interest me and am open minded enough so that nothing really offends me. I love to talk about almost anything, and usually can get the idea behind something even if the details totally loose me. Smart enough to know I don't know everything but not stupid by any means. Did I mention I'm modest too? lol..Can't stand liar's, cheat's, or hypocrites. I can break out the big shovel (for BS) and fling it with the best of them when needed. Over all just trying to live life and have fun with as little crap and drama as possible. That's pretty much it.

My Interests

People, number one interesting thing. And not their job, their car, house, how many trips they took, etc. What makes them tick and how they view the world is always more fun. Other than that, I like to exercise, hang out with friends, shoot pool, throw darts, the typical 'guy' things...

I'd like to meet:

Hell, I dunno.. Seems like most of my college friends got married and/or moved away in the last few years while I was 'indisposed' (i.e. married), so now looking for people to hang out with to get out of the house. Women, especialy cute, funny and smart women are a definite plus (would lose my 'guy club' membership if I didn't add that, hehe.)Other than that, no great expectations.


Rock/techno/jazz/R&B/classical/'fun'(think Buffett)/country, pretty much anything.


Something with a message about heroism or bravery or something where someone isn't so self-absorbed in material stuff and I'm set. Saving Private Ryan and Braveheart are two of my favorites because the main characters did what they had to do for a cause they believed in. I also love comedies (Hitch was hilarious) and action movies. Even drama's are ok as long as they aren't syrupy with the typical Hollywood "oh, this is a good person doing horrible things to others, let's not hold them responsible".


Only watch three TV shows a week. Not a reality show fan at all because they are mostly stupid and seem to showcase lying, cheating and doing whatever it takes to win. Karma's a bitch.


Usually anything Sci-Fi/Fantasy and/or crime or mystery. I like when people use their brains or courage/heart to accomplish a goal. Oh, and the typical American thing of the 'good guys' winning in the end.


Definitely NOT any of the overpaid and drug/arrest plagued sport's stars or (mostly) shallow and self-centered celebrities. Anyone in the military (been there myself), and all police officer's and firefighters would be who I considered 'heroic'.