Ben profile picture


je voudrais un jambon

About Me

...where to start.... I am officially Ben although i have many nicknames given to me over the years, i then collect these names and put them in a big jar which also cntains very old sticky jam (thats how they dont escape!) you may know me better as----- ABS, KEL, SPONGE, PINKY, POODLE or other such names which i have acumilated. i am a pretty standard kind of fellow, i play rugby, then i drink with rugby players...that sums up that. I am currently at Queen Marys University in London where I do English, tis fun... but prior to that i was in a school in rugby and before one in dav city! i like to meet new people and am usually not armed so if you see me in the street please do approach me as there is only a 6% chance i will stab you (you have to like those odds!) i dont like profiles with emotional 'about me' sections so this isnt... ..

My Interests

I am interested in lots of things...thats why the world is so new and exciting! if i had no interests it would be dull and terribly boring! I like to listen to music, i buy many CD's as it is a good way to waste money on something that in 10 years you can still have which will serve as a memory of that particular period in your life. i like to read good books, generally the kind of ones 3with a cultish following, they are just more interesting and have a more profound message. TV plays a huge role in my life, i know on this thing people like to look smart and clever but im not and i do love TV. I will sit for hours watching day time tv in utter joy as the meaningless crap fills my head with useless information like how much you would expect to pay for a 3 bedroom detatched in Swanidge! erm, oh, I play the drums, not well but they sound loud so thats all that really concerns me. I love the cinema as it is a wonderful place. films are awesome (as im sure many of you agree) and even better when they are on a huge screen. hmm I like the internet, it is usefull and nice to have to chat to friends for free, good way of keeping in touch. other than that i am intrested in nothing!

I'd like to meet:

A giant, A dwarf, A person with orange skin, An alien, A person called zool, A kangaroo, A king, A viking, A Lion, A quatarian! I like to meet all people so if you are one come say hello, im generally quite sociable and i like to get drunk, if you would like to come drink with me i would be very happy to have you there for moral support and perhaps even to carry me home (you will need to be strong if you want to forfill this requirement) i would also like to metion those particular groups mentioned above! ..


I like nearly all music, except jazz which is simply musical masterbation! i know your supposed to have an aquired taste for it and those that do are on a superior interlectual plane but i say bollocks to it! it is crap! I like rock, alternativey rock, rock and roll, pop punk, punk, some weel performed pop, hair metal, blues, dance, a little rap, some folk but not the sort the morris dancers are into, i would like to like classical but it bores me, soul, erm jus about everything...O I HATE EMO! why 20- 30 year old men have to cry about their emotions while a young inpretionable audience attempt to relate to the utter rubbish they 'sing' in woefull american dialect i do not understand! this is not to say only like music devoid of emotion. some of the most beautiful music in the world is full of emotion just expressed in a valid way! grr...i hate emo! and who wears scarfs in the middle of summer, ITS NOT COLD! this angers me! any way, my all time favourite artist is Jeff Buckley as his music can (and is by me) listened to over and over and still sound fresh and exciting.


I love movies, it is like TV just longer...sooooo gooooooood! i like all the old gengster films, god father, good fellas, scarface, u know the ones. raging bull is also a favourite. i do like the cultey films too. big lebowski, blues brothers, anchorman, fight club (but the book is far better)...i like all genres as long as they are done well. i think that is the same for just about everyone!


tis a box of multiple glorious things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has everything from masterchef to pimp my ride wooooo television ( the best show ever was called ed- this was on every lunch time at 1230 on channel has recently disappeared much to my devistation, if anyone knows of its where abouts please send it back to channel four so they can continue showing this awesome show!...thank you)


I do English so should be able to list all the books i have read which hae really affected me, however there are very few that i haave read so here is a small list of but a few books that i really like: Wasp Factory by Iain Banks (greatest book ever), Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe, Fight Club by Chuck Palaclspoghposg (cant spell his last name so i hit the keeys and hoped for the best), Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engles (nice idea but wont really work), Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson. there are more i like but those spring to mind, some Shakespeare is pretty good once you understand it...but not all of it!


this little boy, what a ledgend!will ferrell is a very funny man (not a hero really but i needed somwhere to put this clip)Heros are awesome, they should be people who have brought something good into this world who can be looked upto as a figure head in society. everyone should be able to name there parents as them as they are so important...and i do. people like pete doherty should never be your hero. someone who was broght up well, well educated, and considered talented who has thrown it all away to become a scag adict should not be held in high regard. bloody scag head!Your results:
You are Superman Superman 80% Iron Man 80% Green Lantern 60% Robin 52% Spider-Man 50% Batman 50% Supergirl 45% Catwoman 45% The Flash 40% Wonder Woman 30% Hulk 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Blog

MAGIC BEER SCOOTER---finally an explanaton

The Magical Beer Scooter!How many times have you woken up in the morning after a hard nights drinking and thought 'How on earth did I get home?' As hard as you try, you cannot piece together your retu...
Posted by Ben on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 07:32:00 PST


1) ARE YOU JEWISH?no. a terribly odd first question 2) LAST PERSON YOU SWORE AT?i think it was tom b or sure whoever it was deserved it3) 3 CELEBRITIES YOU'D SLEEP WITH?celebrites i wou...
Posted by Ben on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 07:28:00 PST

drink drink drink...quiz

1. Have you ever been drunk?yes2. How old were you the first time you got drunk? i believe there was some vodka laced into the punch at my nans 80th birthday party when i was about 10 but i wasnt wast...
Posted by Ben on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 03:03:00 PST

it 1:11am have an essay due tomorrow i havent started...lets do a questionairre

1. What is your Boyfriend/girlfriends name?not applicable at the moment however if you fill in an application i will get back to you (you must create said application)What color underwear/boxers are y...
Posted by Ben on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 05:39:00 PST


it has come to my attention, as i am quite bored, that i may wear this item of clothing too it possible??? at the same time i feel not enough love is given to the mighty dressing gown, i is ...
Posted by Ben on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 08:19:00 PST

its one of those crazy ass question type things!!!!!!

you can all clame u love me (i wont mind) 1. Who are you?: 2. Are we friends?: 3. When and how did we meet?: 4. Do you have a crush on me?: 5. Would you kiss me?: 6. Give me a nickna...
Posted by Ben on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST