*A*S*H*L*E*Y* profile picture


true love'll kick ya in the ass.

About Me

My name is Ashley. My life is pretty uneventful. I go to college at Rasmussen with the coolest girl ever... my bud Tawney. I'm studying accounting... numbers, boring, I know. :) I live in St. Cloud. (and hate it) My room mate Kenny is pretty much the shit. I work a lot now with some pretty cool people. (Lindsay, Jordan, Ben, Sha Sha) I'm pretty thankful for the people in my life... Bri especially. On my weekends I hang out with Brian. I look forward to my Thursdays nights with him, and our Friday morning french toast. I have quite possibly the cutest nephew ever and I love him to death. My friends are are the best. Yep... that's about it.


My Interests

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Myspace Layouts


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http://www.slide.com/r/D5Ht5G1r4D8Rw6of_K9JT9e4Km-WEmy3?prev ious_view=mscd_embedded_url&view=original


A Astonishing
S Spunky
H Hardworking
L Light
E Energetic
Y Yummy
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