!!AMICHU profile picture


About Me

i dye my hair a lot.
and i like the word NIPPLES!
and anime, i like anime.a lot
i would write something amazingly interesting here
and try to seem the most outrageous individual
person ever in the world.but ime not and ime too lazy.
shame :)
i get really anoyed & jelous over the tinyest things
yes ime well aware that ime crude and have a fucking disgusting sense of humour, yu dont need to keep telling me.if yu heard the convosations me and my best friends have at break and lunch,yu'd find out why (:
but other than that im quite nice.
ime not too fussed about anyfing at the moment
things are going pretty cool, so if time would like to stop pls!
ide really love to live in japan.
"Anytime you want to shovel food in your face...
Just remember all the rolls of fat you have when you sit down.
Remember, a pretty face does not stop you from being fat.
Remember, beauty is power,
&& Whoever said beauty is skin deep - Was fat."

stalk me, ime sure yude love me :D
[email protected]
dont add just to jack off on cam
no i will not show you my tits.
maaaahaha nipples. smack my bum :]

My Interests

i love the fact shes my actual family.
and not yours.
gutteeed :]

I'd like to meet:


because i love him
he has lovely lips. SHUTUP :)
and when i poke him, he goes, 'blublublublu' :]
but mainly cos he writes me AMAAAAZING STORIES

In a peaceful galaxy, not far from here, a king and queen lived in peace and harmony in a land known as “Bop Land”. They lived for many happy years, as the king did not sleep on the couch NOT ONCE.
But in the year bopidytwo… the sworn enemies of the king bop, the pigeons, devised a kidnap of his wonderful queen Amy bop. So one night when the king had been forced to sleep on the couch, when he made fun of the queen’s wonderfully wonderful cheeks, the pigeons attacked took out the king’s guard and kidnapped Amy bop!
The king was distraught…he did not no what to do… after consulting with his computer mastermind… the goat, the king decided to raise an army and get his queen back… but. The king had no army! He had felt no need for one; the army he once had realised that they didn’t need to serve the king bop. This army… WERE MORE GOATS...
The king once again distraught, sat at his desk and thought of a plan. When 10 minutes later, a messenger pigeon carried a message for the king. It read:
Bopland will fall into the hands of the pigeon, I am Dave the pigeon. The pigeon’s leader. I plan to marry amybop and have her as my wife, because I hate you and I hate bop it and I hate goats..
Unless you can get a score of 3000000 on bop it! I will go ahead and marry amybop and then kill her cause I get bored easily..
Yours sincerely Dave x

The king… seeing the note was fired up and hatred and rage filled his tiny out of proportion body! As he got madder… he got more red… and… before you no it. Magg's hands turned it to twist it and flick it. And his feet turned into spin it and pull it. And he was over 40 ft tall. He smacked his head… “OUCH” said Maggs…
When he realised how powerful he became. He instantly killed the messenger pigeon. The computer mastermind goat had heard the pigeon scream and came into the room. He was amazed... “What the goat happened to you” he said “I don’t know. But I need to eat some cherries” Maggs replied
So Maggs and the goat went into the garden where special cherry milk shakes were made in a warehouse… for some reason, the workers were all badgers. The head badger Bill had something important to tell Maggs “Maggs, the cherries have been affected by some nuclear gas... don’t drink any..”
But Maggs was distracted by his game of bop it and drunk the cherry shake… He felt a lot of pain and went to his knees. He made a funny noise that was horrid like “blublublublu” After the noise… his entire body was red! He had become Cherrymanbop! He had special cherry ike powers… he could turn people into cherries and squash them!
And his left foot which was now spin it was like a saw! And his other body parts became useful weapons! “Mr. goat and bill…im going to save my queen” said Maggs. Amazed by what had happened to the king, the badger and goat had fainted.
Spiderman, who lived right next to the king... When Spiderman came home, Maggs decided to stop off next door. He had knocked on the door. Cherrymanbop king said… ”Spideryman I must ask for your aid in retrieving my most beautifuilist queen”. Enraged Spiderman said, “my name is Spiderman... Not Spideryman. And yes sure ill save your queen. Is that the hot one with the cheeks?” Spiderman asked.
Cherrybopman slapped Spiderman hard! And said “do not talk about her like that. And in answer to your question. Yes she is.” “Sweet” replied Spiderman
So Spiderman and Maggs rode their trikes all the way to pigeon country… the land was smelly and ugly… Maggs and Spiderman were frightened but Maggs had to retrieve his queen!
They reached a castle with no pigeon guard. It looked like the guards were on their lunch breaks... Spiderman had decided to keep watch for the guard. And Maggs went on in the castle. He had climbed 40 stairs and found his bop queen tied to a cross! He went over and use his spin it foot to saw away the ropes… he had rescued his queen!
They hugged and then walked towards the door… but then out of nowhere DAVE had appeared! ”Oi... i was gonna marry her” he said. “Too late” Maggs said and with is flick it hand he flicked him in Dave’s eye and Dave died. Maggs and Amybop and Spiderman got on their trikes and went back to the bop castle...
As reward for saving her. Maggs was allowed to sleep in the bed... and they all lived happily ever after. Until one day. Maggs had found Bill lying on his doorstep. Beaten up and raped! There on bills stomach was a small piece of paper. It read:
Haha man…we killed your bill init. We raped him an all hahahahaha lol gosh man... well... Yeah we gonna get your queen next time so yeah laterz
Scene kidsx

Maggs and amybop looked at bill then the letter. They had found another enemy. They decided to worry about it later.
For my bop queen
and this one :]
-The Klaxons
-Bopward Van Boppage
It was a bright and sunny day in the peaceful planet of bopworld. It had been years since the threatning letter from the scenes.
Maggs boppington and his queen were quite happy, and bill the badger had returned to full health. And cherry milkshakes were being sold by the dozen (the new improved radioactive ones). It was bop o clock, and maggs and amy and bill and bosworth the goat were eating a grand feast which the king had prepared himself... (diet coke baked potato and turkey drummers).
Once they finished the feast Bill had said... "Seriously Maggs can you cook anything else?" Shocked, Maggs took offense to this and threw a spoon and hit bill in the eye... "Ouch it was just a bloody question" Bill said... the queen looked on and laughed as her pet duck waddled in and handed amy a note... with the ducks... arms!?
It had read:
"Eeey mannnn its the scenes gain ite... listen sorry for the late reply but hellogoodbye released a song and we listened to it 600004405 times. It took a while anywayzz... sorry for beating up bill... we meant to beat up the goat... bosssssie... we have graphed all over the castles man... aye...init...
If you do not give us the goat and we do not receive sexual pleasureing from the goat... we kill the duck got it?!
ite, safe..
scenes! x

"OH GOSH" the king said loudly. "My god not my beautful duck" Amy boppington said. "Err. That's a mirrior" Bosworth the goat said... "Ooh yeah" the queen looked down quickly at her duck.
The four people at the table and the duck looked puzzled... they had no idea what to do... Maggs sat at the table for a further 8 and a half hours, thinking about what to do while the others went and lived their lives...
On the radio hellogoobye had come on... and maggs felt an insatiable feeling run through his body to dance... he started dancing an incredible dance for a furth 30 mins.
Until Bosworth the goat came in rushing... "Maggs!!!!...wha...what are you doing??" Bosworth said puzzled! "Nothing..what is it?" Maggs said. "Its the queens pet duck...it was killed just now." "What was the cause of death?" Maggs questioned. "Well... it was a disc the hit him in the eye...here..."
Bosworth gave the disc to Maggs and he put it on the radio...and to his suprise.
It was hellogoodbye... this meant one thing "the scenes!!!" Maggs shouted. Bosworth also new what this had meant... the king and Bosworth ran out of the dining room and into the main hall... there they found Amy Bop crying... "dont worry Amy Bop those scenes will pay!" Aaggs said.
"You cant fight them on your own sire..." Bosworth said. "I no who you can call...." Amy Bop looked in her phone book and had picked up the phone and talked to the klaxons. And a man named Bopward Van Boppage. "Who did you talk to Amy Bop??". "Just some people who can help you in the fight!" Amy said
At that moment a knock at the door came. It was a toilet brush with lips. And a scrufy group of individuals. "Hey we are here to beat up the scene kids." they all said. "ha awesome" Maggs said...
And so the group of people left the castle and were away for 8 hours... "gosh they are taking a while... half of the scene kids were gay!" Amy Bop shouted to herself... there was a knock at the door and Maggs and Bosworth had returend... "Its sorted Amy Bop the scenes are dead" "yay" Amy Bop squealed....
6 months later the Boppingtons lived happily and had got two new ducks... everything was happy and wonderful and the bopcastle was extened to have a special room for the ducks.
But not so far away...
"haha Maggs will regret the day he ever met us..." a sneaky man said. "Yeah haha...those scenes didnt have what it took" another man replied
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for my wonderful amybop!