The Wildhearts - Sick Of Drugs | Posted by on Thu, 30 Jul 2009 16:39:00 GMT |
Dirty little secret - Jon Bon Jovi by AnaisJovi© | Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 15:12:00 GMT |
More mindless violence |
I was saddened to read the following bulletin from Wild Youth, regarding a mindless attack on Dan (only 17 yrs old btw) More senseless pointless violence. It brings to mind the song Piccadilly Circus ... Posted by on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 05:33:00 GMT |
The scum in our city |
There aren't enough words to descibe my utter contempt for the scum that ran over and left for dead, one of my oldest friends last night.It was 20 minutes before help arrived.He is now in Good Hope H... Posted by on Mon, 07 May 2007 07:48:00 GMT |
I need help with my dreams/nightmares! |
I have two recurring dreams (or are they nightmares) Well...the first and most frequent is me watching a plane crash. I stand and watch as it crashes, but not always into the same thing! Sometimes it... Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 17:43:00 GMT |
life and living with IBS |
I am fed up of it I mean- why is there not a cure.? Why do doctors do so much bullshitting? If they have no idea what is wrong with me why don't they just say so! Why put me through the humiliat... Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 13:10:00 GMT |
Night-time capers |
I have found myself doing some strange things in the night, but last night takes the ???????! I found myself explaining home insurance to my son! He woke me up having a night-m... Posted by on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 13:36:00 GMT |
Eddie's No 8 ??? please add to the bulletin yr memories |
First The Barrell Organ (the Dubliner) and now Edwards No8 -WTF???PLEASE ADD MEMORIES TO THE BULLETIN THATS DOING THE ROUNDS...... Posted by on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 05:05:00 GMT |
A Mystery |
Iwhy is it that my watch keeps stopping at work? I tried a different watch yesterday and that stopped too. When I get home they work fine. . I am not joking! It's spooky......... Posted by on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 16:53:00 GMT |
Grahams going to London |
oh no! Grah's going to London tomorrow and I can't go with him.He's on a mission for his work, which I can't tell you about.(because I can't) It's all ssoooooo scary, I won't be able to sleepHey, I h... Posted by on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 16:02:00 GMT |