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I am here for Friends

About Me

Real life:
Live in Aarhus, Denmark with my girlfriend and our son. I study Media Studies at the University of Aarhus. When I am not studying I spend time with my family or design websites and other graphic design.
I am a former wrestler and referee. I wrestled for DHW - Danish Hardcore Wrestling in Aarhus and wrestled and trained at the Great Dane Asbjørn Riis' wrestling school NWF Nordic Wrestling Federation located in Nykøbing Mors, Denmark. I also refereed for NWF. I retired from wrestling in 2003, but as you know retirements doesn't mean sh!t in wrestling.
In my short wrestling career I've wrestled (among others): Tank, Chaos, Mich Foxy, Lumberjack (now the Pope), Asbjørn Riis, Erik Isaksen, Kimball, John Doe (DW referee Christian Lenskjold), The Chainsaw Daniel Grønaa, Inzaneniack, Amazing Al, Miraculous Mike
Hip Hop:
My interest for the Hip Hop culture started in the mid 80's. I tried breakdancing for a while, but I really sucked at that. Grafitti wasn't me either. So I started DJ-ing. I got my first Technics 1210 turntable in 1989 and began scratchin' all my records. My heroes back then was DJ SoulShock and Cutfather. Later on I bought a Technics 1200 and a real mixer, and got better at DJ-ing. I never made a career out of it, or tried, for that matter. It was just for fun. After a few years I sold the 1200 again, so now I only have the 1210 and a mixer which is just collecting dust.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Wrestlers or wrestling related:
Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Reggie Parks, Dave Millican, Rico Mann, my fellow Beltmarks / Slamfans

Spike Jonze, Michel Gondry, David Lynch, Run DMC,

My Blog

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