I love Akamaru ♥ I ♥ video games
Snow White and the Seven DawrfsCinderellaSleeping BeautyBeauty and the BeastTarzanAlice in WonderlandAlladinForest GumpSuburbiaA Clockwork OrangePassion of the ChristParty MonsterThe Rocky Horror Picture Show ...MTBA
Death Note NarutoCowboy BeepbopGhost In The ShellBleachErago ProxyTenjho TengeCard CaptorSailor MoonDragon Ball ZHellsingInyuashaElfen LiedNeon Genesis EvangelionDragon TalesCourious GeorgeDrake And JoshSpongebob SquarepantsThe Grim Adventures of Billy and MandyI guess that's all I can think of
The Holy Bible(I always enjoy reading it)Manga Magazines
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