Gagnrýnendur hafa verið á einu máli:
"CHILDREN makes tough but compelling viewing
Reykjavik has never been shown like this before."
"Börn er áhrifamkið listaverk sem skilur áhorfandann eftir djúpt snortinn."
Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson/DV
"Loksins loksins!
Komin er Ãslensk mynd sem skiptir einhverju máli."
Bakþankar Jóns Gnarr/Fréttablaðið
"Ãslenskt meistaraverk.. Mynd sem allir ættu að sjá.
Börn er ein besta Ãslenska mynd sem fram hefur komið"
Ólafur H. Torfason/Rás 2
"TÃmamótaverk à Ãslenskum kvikmyndum."
Þórgnýr Helgason/Kvikmyndir.is
"Ekki fara á hana bara af þvà að hún er Ãslensk.
Heldur vegna þess að hún er góð."
Sjáðu þetta/Sirkus
"Leikarahópur myndarinnar er stórkostlegur.
Útkoman er kröftug og tilfinningarÃk kvikmyndareynsla."
Vignir Jón Vignisson/Topp5
"Vesturport hópurinn, sem svo sannarlega hefur staðið sig á leiksviðinu,
færir út kvÃarnar með miklum glæsibrag."
Hilmar Karlsson/Frjáls Verslun
"Loksins tókst að búa til almennilega, vel leikna,
Ãslenska kvikmynd án nokkurs rembings."
Gott Gláp/Fréttablaðið
"Stórvel leikin. Stenst fyllilega samanburð við það besta frá útlöndum."
Kristrún Heiða Hauksdóttir/Fréttablaðið
"Börn er spennandi og áhrifamikil mynd.
Ólafur Darri skapar ógleymanlega persónu à Ãslenskri kvikmyndasögu."
SigrÃður Pétursdóttir/Rás 1
"GÃsli Örn Garðarsson fer á kostum.
Nýjum hæðum er náð hvað kvikmyndaleik og samtöl varðar."
Heiða Jóhannsdóttir/Mbl
"Ótrúlega áhrifamikið og einstaklega vel gert meistarastykki.
Besta mynd sem ég hef séð."
Gvendur F/Hugi.is
"Besta Ãslenska kvikmynd sem hefur verið gerð!"
"Með einstökum hætti tekst NÃnu Dögg að túlka hlutverk sitt.
Fáar Ãslenskar myndir hafa vakið með mér jafn miklar tilfinningar og Börn.
Þetta er hreint út sagt frábær mynd."
Jón Hákon Halldórsson/Kvikmyndir.com
International premiere of Children will be in San Sebastian , during the Internatoinal Film Festivals 54th edition, which will be held from 21st until 30th of September. San Sebastian is one of the most prestigous film festivals in the world, an A category film festival ranking it with the film festivals in Cannes and Berlin.
Children will be screened in the Zabaltegi section of the festival and compete for the Altadis-New Directors Prize and the Montblanc-New Screenwriters Award. Zabaltegi is a very interesting section where films of different formats, styles and genres are presented, avant garde cinema in every sense of the expression with interested and critical audience.
The Works International, one of Europes leading sales agents, is the international distributor of the film.
San Sebastians website: http://www.sansebastianfestival.com/2006/in/portada.htm
The lives of an underworld enforcer, a single mum with 4 kids and a schizophrenic entwine in a powerful symphony of redemption and revenge.
Please visit our official website for more info: children-movie.com
Karitas is a single mother of four who desperately tries to make ends meet. Fighting a loosing battle with her ex-husband for custody over her three daughters, she's oblivious to what's going on with her twelve year old son Gudmund, a victim of brutal bullying at school and who's life is on the fast track to destruction.
Gudmund's only friend in the world is Marin, a schizophrenic in his fourties, who lives with his mother in the same apartment building. When Marin realizes that his mother has secretly been dating a stranger, Marin starts to loose grip on reality.
Gardar is an underworld enforcer who makes a mess at work and as a result his twin brother Georg is beaten up. Exiled both from the underworld and his family, Gardar has to make a fresh start in life. He decides to seek out his son Gudmund whom he has never seen but the straight and narrow is a tough path to follow.
CHILDREN is the indipendent first part of twin features by Ragnar Bragason and Vesturport exploring the roles of children and parents.
The second part, PARENTS will be released in 2007.