to my dearest kuya kirvy...i dunno how to put diz in words but here goes nuttin,you are like tha most wonderful brother from another mother dat i ever had in my lyfe.no matter wat happens in gud or bad situations ur always dere for me n i return da same wif you but da thing ish its a whole lot harder to make you smile or get chu in a gud mood wen ur seriously down...but newayz like you said wif me before derez like a million guys out dere w8in 2be mine...so now im saying 2u dat derez a million girls out dere w8in 2be ur special wifey.but imma be stoppin here for now cuz imma finish diz about chu thing 2marrow wen i wake up or sumtin like dat...welpz kuya alwayz take carez n alwayz hav ur head up high,cuz derez alwayz sumbody dat u can lean onto wen you need a should...love ya alwayz ur lil sis