Sudoku, crosswords, reading, swimming, traveling
Like-minded people. Intelligent, charming, interesting, real, honest, clever, sarcastic, attractive...
Raggae, Raggae, and more Raggae
Shawshank, Green Mile, Jane Austin Book Club, 50 First Dates, The Black Stallion, Seabiscuit, Boondock Saints, movies that tell an actual story! Make me laugh, make me cry, and don't blow shit up for no reason!
Dirty Jobs, Ghost Hunters, Oprah, Naked Archeologist, Americas Funniest Home Videos!, Prison Break...Love tv, don't have 2 much time 2 watch. And hate commercials!
The Godfather, Eat Pray Love, DaVinci Code, any history, biography, true to life, uplifting reads.
My Beloved GrandMother, Big Mom.