Empowerment Clothing Company (We Da Best)!!!! profile picture

Empowerment Clothing Company (We Da Best)!!!!

Fashion Will No Longer Be The Same!!!!

About Me

Changing lives One thread at a time is the driving force behind the Empowerment Clothing Company. Compromised of 10 distinctively different lines.....From children wear, to urban street culture, all the way up to upscale limited produced garments for the well off and well deserved individual. ECC will take the fashion industry by storm while setting a higher standard for the entire appareal market.....No longer will fashion juggernauts continue to rob the consumer of their hard earned dollars by grossly over pricing clothing that are in today and out the next. This is a problem that designer Don'Fra has noticed with the fashion industry for years and by all means he intends to solve the problem. Once a conscience consumer and now a passionate designer Don'Fra will puch the standard bar to another level by revolutionary fashion to a new dimension by creating clothes that actually worthless for you.ECC is not just one of your new fashion forward companies we are going where no clothing company has gone before, We have taken on the task of helping with some of societies problems, by means of fashion. Where others have dared to go,we'll take you there.......Where others have felled. ECC will suceed!!!!!!!!!!!!Created with mySpace Profile Editor ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC Click here to make Falling Objects ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Music Video Code By Urbnmix
jay-z - change clothes

I'd like to meet:



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My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..