Well ware do i start shes the most amazing thag that ever happend to me.I love her with everythang i am. And yall say ware to young and all that. I say im just pritty lucky to find her so soon.And i know i love her becuz i can never stop thinkin of her and every littel thang reminds me of her and when im with her i dont care abot inethang she washis all the trobals away.I love the littel thangs she does, the faces she makes, and expeshaly the look she gives me when iv dones something rong. She makes me laf and she knows how to cher me up but she also knows how to make me mad but she always makes it better. And shes the kind of girl that i can tolk to i dont have to hide inethang from her it feels good bein with her be cuz i can just play arond but mostly i can be me. Well long story short SHES SIPLY AMAZIN 07-10-06 TELL FOREVER 33