Check out my Yahoo blogs. Or What is your full name? Daniel E. Spakosky
2. When is your Birthday? August 9, 1977
3. What is your e-mail address? [email protected]
4. Do you smoke? Not anymore.
5. How many relationships have you been in? Too many.
6. Do you have or want kids? I do want kids. But the b.f. just won't get pregnant. ;)
7. Can you cook? Yes.
8. What was your dream growing up? To NOT grow up.
9. What talent do you wish you had? I can do anything.
10. Favorite place? The shore.
11. Favorite dessert? Just about anything chocolate.
12. What was the last book you read? Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix.
13. What zodiac sign are u? Leo. ..
14. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? 4 piercings so far.
15. Worst Habit? Putting up with b.s.
16. What is your favorite sport? Water Polo.
17. Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? I'm a realist.
18. Favorite thing to ever happen to you? Finding the person I'm with now.
19. Tell me one weird fact about you: I can recite the alphabet backwards.
20. Do you have any pets? Yes.
21. Do u know how to change the oil in your car? Yes.
22. What time is it where u are now? 6:27am
23. Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Eh. Neither cute nor scary OR funny.
24. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be??? More muscle tone.
25. What color eyes do you have? Stormy Green.
26. Ever been out of the country? No. :(
27. What is your favorite drink? Sweet tea with lemon.
28. If you won $100,000 dollars today, what would you do with it? Buy more sweet tea.
29. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew? Sugarless.
30. What 's your favorite place to hang at? In my pants.
31. Do you like hiking? Yes.
32. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? I don't have spare time.
33. Do you swear a lot? YES.!
34. Biggest pet peeve? People who can't spell.
35. In one word, how would you describe yourself? Evolution.
36. Do you believe in God? I do have a similar belief.
37.What makes you smile? About 15 muscles in my face.
38. What is your favorite TV show? Hmmm. I don't have a favorite. But many top fav's.YEAR OF THE SNAKE:
PersonalityYou are decisive and active, stimulated by thoughtful debate and interesting conversation, although if the conversation becomes repetitive your attention soon wanders. It is unlikely that you will tolerate idle chatter for long, preferring instead to focus on new ideas and intelligent discussion. When you find a particular topic stimulating, you often make unusual and challenging contributions.You are a good judge of situations and are alert to new possibilities, so when you have an idea you pursue it persistently and energetically. You are often so confident of its success that you fail to listen to constructive advice, but what really disturbs you is the thought of actually being proved wrong. Although you do not easily take advice you are patient with others when they need your help, and your ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is appreciated. When faced with a dilemma you are cool and reserved, and it is this clarity of vision that enables you to act decisively. You act with speed and conviction when you are committed to a task, since you believe intensely in what you are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.However, your life is not all work and competition, and when the opportunity arises you know how to wind down and relax. You can only keep up your energetic approach for so long before you find a means of escape and withdraw into a more private world to pursue your hobbies and enjoy life's luxuries. You make trusting and long -term friendships and are a protective and caring friend. Your anger, however, can be quickly aroused, and you will soon retaliate if you think someone has taken advantage of your trust or hurt those close to you.Your results:
You are Apocalypse
Dr. Doom
Dark Phoenix
Mr. Freeze
Lex Luthor
Poison Ivy
The Joker
Green Goblin
You believe in survival of the fittest and you believe that you are the fittest.
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Layout by:..The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) High
Level 7 (Violent) Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Very High
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