Anything that has the potential to cause mayhem, destruction, or bodily harm. Uh..... bananas. Oh, Rubick's Cube, my arch-nemisis.
Everybody, especially this kid.
I like to keep myself educated in all types of music. Except for Opera, there's something about a scantily clad fat woman screaming like a banshee that makes me question the presence of the Almighty. (Just kidding, Lord. I know You know that I know you're there.)
Due to the lack of cable or satellite television, movies are the only form of visual entertainment I can afford. (Strippers are way too expensive.) I'm a big fan of Stanley Kubrick and, of course, Freaky Quentin. I really like too many to list.
If you weren't paying attention before, I don't have TV. I'm poor.
Books are a danger to the rainforest and Michael Jackson's facial implants. I think we should publish more. And a new book coming out soon called The Book Of Fry. I should be putting up some excerpts and a brief history of the Fry on my blog soon.
Captain Jack Sparrow?? Duh.....