After three years of going through a handful of members, monetary situations, and conflicts in schedules, Vitals is on permanent hiatus. Thank you to everyone who came out to our shows, let us sleep on your couches, and made sure we had a meal to eat while on the road.
"We're bearded dudes who enjoy constructing instrumental storyboards incorporating all sounds from ambient/shoegaze overtures to Crescendos resembling a train-wreck."
When a group of individuals gather to compose music in the library of an old farm house, a haughty milieu is conjured. A delicate chandelier hanging in the center of the room illuminates each hunched-over figure while their shadows crawl upon the collection of hard-bound literary works.
However, the setting, much like the music created, is not as myopic as it appears. Outside of these walls is the Halcyon Horse Farm, which stands defiant to the popular trend of a sprawling city. This detachment from the urban lifestyle gives a sense of balance; the ruggedness of nature and the tenderness of culture.
Approaching composition with a heuristic method allows the members to constantly fine-tune each work until a general consensus is reached. Even at that point of satisfaction, nothing is set in stone and frequently pieces are revisited and updated with unique articulations.
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