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About Me

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Im a crazy, little blonde chick but dont let my height fool you. Im fun loving who loves spending time with my son Aidan (he's my pride and joy!!!!) I LOVE music...well thats a bit of an understatement but i cant think of anything bigger! hehe I work for Ausmusic SA and love it!!! I do anything from music business development, tour managing, publicity and promotion to merch selling and door. I like to help out and support the live and local music industry, and if ya ask anyone ive worked with before, they'll tell you i put my heart and soul into what im doing!!! I love selling merch and love love love being on the road touring with bands!!! I enjoy the benefits of going to a gig and watching musicians play and live their dreams and helping them along the way anyway I can to help them succeed.So if you need someone to sell ur merch or be a tour manager im your girl!!!One the other side of the music scale, I still like to dress up all girly with the girlies and head on to the dance floor and dance up a storm all night long!!!! but hey.....give me jeans, a tee and flats anyday!!! haha I am also a makeup artist so i can make anyone look beautiful (well I like to try anyhow hehe)I luv luv luv all my fantastic friends and think they are all legends!!! luv u guys!!!SUPPORT LIVE AND LOCAL MUSIC!!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I also want to meet anyone that is in a band as i love music and think local music rocks!!!!!!!I want to meet Napoleon (Napoleon Makeup), i think he is a fantastic makeup artist and would love to learn all his tricks.

My Blog

Adventures down south

Saturday started as a pretty full on day, little did i know it was only going to get worse! To start with i decided to surprise my bestie Maryanne with a manicure and pedicure, as she is an absolute ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 13:50:00 GMT


Hey all!! Last week i had my first ever trip to Melbourne!..and it was great!!! Ya i know i have lived a sheltered life havent travelled much but hey, its all good i've done it now!! I stayed with so...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 18:43:00 GMT

John Butler Trio

WOW! Thats all i have to say! Last night I went to The Gov To watch John Butler Trio at a myspace secret show and it was fantastic! The line up was massive and i got there just after 5 and doors open...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 19:50:00 GMT

Sad moment

Ok so this might not be the nicest of blogs but im writing it anyway, to get it off my chest For those of you that actually know me, you would know that my grandpa passed away on thursday :-( It was s...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 01:53:00 GMT

BDO virgin no longer!!! haha

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!!! That's all I can say!!! What an absolute day, it was awesome! To start with I thought it was going to be a shitter of a day, cause first of all the day before, my B...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 17:46:00 GMT

Big Day Out Virgin

I finally bought my 1st ever Big Day Out ticket!! yay!!! yeah i know i know, how can i work in a music store and have never been to one?! Well i guess i got in first this time...i'm normally the sucke...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 01:56:00 GMT

My car accident

Well what a Saturday night I had! The night started off great, went out for dinner and then to a 'Seinfield' party. Anyway..I was on my way home at about 11.30 at night, and of course it had been pour...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 19:42:00 GMT

Killing Time

Wel I'll try to make this blog sound a bit interesting. I never know what to write.... It's not long to go now until the coke live tour. It's going to go off!!!! The only problem is....WHAT DO I WEAR!...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 23:35:00 GMT

It's my birthday!!!!!!!!!

Its' my birthday!!!! Im really getting old!! What a day its been great so far got a few nice pressies but not too much yet. Having a bbq tomorrow with all my family and close friends which will be fun...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 18:07:00 GMT

Lazy Dayz

Well Im sitting here lapping up the sun on beautiful Hamilton Island, and I'm loving every minute of it!!!! It's great to finally have a holiday after 3 years of working flat out. Anywayz im sitting ...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 16:40:00 GMT